Big News: We’re Pregnant

Big news!! We are pregnant, still feels very weird to say (or type) that but baby is due June 2018 and time is already flying by. I am currently 13 weeks, just over 3 months, and feeling great. A little more tired than normal but keeping well and feeling very lucky. 

Ingimar always wanted kids and it was something we discussed early on. Though I'm not all that traditional, I wanted to be married first and well, 5 months after we wed back in Scotland, here we are. 

As we live in Iceland, and I am from Scotland, I am not sure of the process and what care I will receive so we are learning as we go. We have had two scans - a kind of confirmation scan at 6/7weeks and the standard 12-week scan. We are booked in for our 20-week scan in February. 

So far there's not been too much to report but I am keeping a diary each week. Cravings haven't really started yet but I have been munching the clementines more than usual and reaching for digestives to drunk in my tea - it might get a little stranger than that so I will report back!!

As Ingimar lost his job two months back, I took on a full-time job at a start-up company downtown so getting used to the daily routine of work and being pregnant is taking a bit of a toll on me but I'm coping. He has some interviews set up so keep your fingers crossed. 

Other than that, we have been using the Pregnancy+ app for daily information and I have been trying to get out for daily walks, weekly swims and am looking into yoga/pilates. (bye-bye Roller Derby for now). Next up will be maternity clothes but we are heading back to see family in January so I am hoping to get a load of hand-me-downs from my sister and sister-in-law. 

So there we go, our very exciting news!! 

Big News: We’re Pregnant

a Mini Viking or a Bonnie Wee Lass, Arriving Summer 2018