5 Reasons Why I Became A Designer

5 Reasons Why I Became A Designer

I have always had an interest in design, in the arts, in drawing, and making things so naturally, I took Art & Design at school, and my path to becoming a designer was starting to be laid. Here are my top 5 reasons why I became a designer.

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1/ Do what you love

I love design, it’s that simple. It’s who I am, it’s what I think about. I see, analyze and critic it all the time. I surrounded myself with things that inspire me, and I find new ideas and projects everywhere.

2/ Think outside the box

I get to express my creativity in my work and what I do. I work with other like-minded, creative people. We collaborate, we problem solve, we encourage and push each other, but most importantly, we think outside the box.

3/ Never stop learning

I am constantly learning. I design, redesign, test, redesign…It’s not easy, and it’s never 9-5 but I design things that are made, or built, and will hopefully be there for a very long time.

4/ Designing for the world around us, the spaces we live and work in

My job involves a lot of critical thinking and understanding of phycology. I design for the end-user so it’s not about colour or fluffy decor but I design out spaces; homes and workplaces. It directly affects people’s daily lives.

5/ Give back with a passion for Design

I’m an Architect but I teach too so I get to give back. I’m truly passionate about what I do and love working with students and young designers in their studies and projects.

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