Tales Of Xillia

Tales Of Xillia
Tales of Xillia is the thirteenth game in the Japanese role playing games series by developer studio Naco Tales. The main story arc revolves around two characters whose fates intertwine. The players have a choice between Jude Mathis, a 15 year old student of a medical school, and a 20 year old summoner of elements called Milla Maxwell. Depending on the chosen character, the player gets to know the story from a different perspective and in a specific way.

The gameplay is mostly about platformer like battles between the duo of the characters and the monsters they come across. In each battle our heroes can use a specific number of technical points and action points. They are necessary to attack in special ways and combine attacks and spells into lethal combos. Thanks to this solution, Tales of Xillia remains a platformer like game without turning into a brainless slasher. One of the characteristic traits of the game is its audiovisuals.

The characters and the world are presented in a very specific way. The game was created by designers that collaborated in the production of the previous installments. This way, Tales of Xillia is unique while remaining connected to the previous games. However, in contradiction to the previous instalment, in Tales of Xillia we observe everything from a third person perspective behind the character’s back and not from somewhere up above them.

  • Developer: Namco Tales Studio
  • Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
  • Genre: Role-playing
  • Price:
  • Platforms: Play Station 3

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Latest Tales Of Xillia News

Some cosplays are easy to pull off -- after all, anybody can don Solid Snake’s cardboard box or L’s white shirt. However, there are other cosplays that take countless hours of design. For this Mass Effect fan, the following cosplay of the Asari race is literally out of this world.
Tales of Xillia is the thirteenth game in the Japanese role playing games series by developer studio Naco Tales. The main story arc revolves around two characters whose fates intertwine. The players have a choice between Jude Mathis, a 15 year old student of a medical school, and a 20 year old summoner of elements …
Tales of Xillia is the thirteenth game in the Japanese role playing games series by developer studio Naco Tales. The main story arc revolves around two characters whose fates intertwine. The players have a choice between Jude Mathis, a 15 year old student of a medical school, and a 20 year old summoner of elements …
Tales of Xillia is the thirteenth game in the Japanese role playing games series by developer studio Naco Tales. The main story arc revolves around two characters whose fates intertwine. The players have a choice between Jude Mathis, a 15 year old student of a medical school, and a 20 year old summoner of elements …
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Tales Of Xillia Guides

Xian Du is a mountain city with a Coliseum and plenty of side events you will want to do. You will also run into Alvin's mom here and a side event for him. This guide will help you do the side quests while you go through the area. Let's get started and get the extra loot and exp.
Another Seahaven and another Side Quest hub. This is actually a pretty small area but it has a fair amount of stuff to do. This guide will help you get it done as you go through the game. Let's get started with the quests so you can get the extra loot and exp.
Sharilton is the fourth town you will come to that you can complete side quests at. This town is actually pretty big but some of the side quests are locked until later in the story. This guide will help you find them all. Let's get started with the quests so you can get the extra loot and exp.
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Tales Of Xillia Review

Some cosplays are easy to pull off -- after all, anybody can don Solid Snake’s cardboard box or L’s white shirt. However, there are other cosplays that take countless hours of design. For this Mass Effect fan, the following cosplay of the Asari race is literally out of this world.
Tales of Xillia is the thirteenth game in the Japanese role playing games series by developer studio Naco Tales. The main story arc revolves around two characters whose fates intertwine. The players have a choice between Jude Mathis, a 15 year old student of a medical school, and a 20 year old summoner of elements …
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