Game GuidesPokemon X & Y Guides

Pokemon X & Y Guide: Pokemon in Route 3 – Ouvert Way

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You gotta catch em all! This Pokemon X & Y Capture Guide will go over what Pokemon are available in Route 3 – Ouvert Way. The couple that you are going to make sure to want to grab on your first way through route 3 are Dunsparce and Pikachu. Azurill is also interesting, but not very usefull. Dunsparce and Pikachu will both be good options for the upcoming gym. There are also some trainers strewn around Route 3 so make sure to train the Pokemon you want to get ready for the gym.

Pokemon Available in Route 3:

  • Azurill – Normal/Fiary
  • Marill – Water/Fairy
  • Bidoof – Normal
  • Bunnelby – Normal
  • Dunsparce – Normal
  • Pidgey – Normal/Flying
  • Fletchling – Normal/Flying
  • Pikachu – Electric
  • Burmy – Bug

Make sure to keep checking back to Gamers Heroes for all of your Pokemon needs!

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