Game GuidesRainbow Six Extraction Guides

The Best Operators For Each Objective In Rainbow Six Extraction

Approaching each mission with the correct toolset is vital if you want to win. This guide on The Best Operators For Each Objective In Rainbow Six Extraction will list all of the different missions objectives throughout the entire game and breakdown the best Operator for each one.

Every mission in the new Tom Clancy game has three different objectives you can complete. The order and types of objectives are randomized each time you play. Certain objectives will be much easier to complete if you approach with the correct tools and Operator. Below is a list of every objective in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction as well as tips and tricks on how to complete each objective, the best equipment to take, and the best Operator for the job. This is assuming you have unlocked all Operators but if you haven’t, don’t worry, it doesn’t take long.

The Best Operators For Each Objective In Rainbow Six Extraction

The list of objectives is accompanied by a few bits of information. Firstly, you’ll see a breakdown of the mission objective itself before highlighting the different equipment and best Operator to bring. There is also a difficulty setting assigned to each objective but this is entirely subjective and varies greatly depending on player ability, squad size, and the various random elements that come into play for each objective.


Probably the easiest of all objectives. You need to locate a unique elite enemy somewhere on the level. Once located, attack the enemy so you have its attention and then run to the helicopter evac point. There’s a control panel you have to interact with that sets the trap, but it takes a few seconds to activate, so make sure you activate it early. Once the creature reaches the location while the trap is active, it is immediately trapped and the objective is complete.

Alibi is very effective in this particular objective because she has a high movement speed. Her ability, Prisma, can also work as a very effective safety net should you attract additional unwanted attention while running from the specimen. Any Operator works well but Alibi’s speed and her ability make her a prime choice for both running from the specimen and distracting additional enemies.

Scan Grenades and the Advanced Drone both aid with locating the Specimen quickly and safely. While the React Laser can help clear a path if the Sprawl is a particular problem.

Difficulty: Easy
Best Operator: Alibi
Best Equipment: Scan Grenades, Advanced Drone, React Laser

Nest Tracking

Nest Tracking
This objective is very easy if you can avoid howling enemies. You need to approach inactive nests and interact with the appropriate button to place a tracker into the nest. It works on nests on floors, walls, and ceilings, assuming they are within jumping range. The real threat here is alerting enemies that howl, causing the nests to become active. If you destroy too many nests, there will not be enough nests left to complete the mission. Stealth is paramount in this objective.

The best Operator for this task in Vigil. He has good speed and his ability, Erc-8 Distruptor, allows him to immediately become invisible for a short time. This will let you avoid large rooms of enemies without the risk of getting caught, so you have enough time to clear the nests and move on.

As you really want to avoid alerting enemies. You want to bring Scan Grenades or an Advanced Drone to locate all of the nests as safely as possible. Stun Grenades are fantastic because if you hit an alerted enemy, it will stop them from howling and activating nests. Smoke Grenades are a good alternative for getting into an area, popping a nest, and retreating before enemies discover you.

Difficulty: Easy
Best Operator: Vigil
Best Equipment: Scan Grenades, Advanced Drone, Stun Grenades, Smoke Grenades


This objective can be challenging depending on the type of Archaen that have been selected for study. To complete this mission you need to do melee takedowns on the correct targets to collect samples using your REACT knife melee attack. If the enemy is killed by any other means, you will fail the objective. The focus of this mission is to locate the enemy, clear out nearby reinforcements, and approach it silently.

There’s a high chance you will encounter problems on these missions. It is vital that you bring equipment with you that will let you takedown an enemy even if discovered. It doesn’t have to be pretty but it needs to be done.

The best Operator for this task is Lion. His ability, EE-One-D Drone detects all moving enemies in a large area. This allows you to directly track your targets location and wait for the perfect time to strike.

You want to bring Stun Grenades so you can still takedown the target even if it discovers your location. Advanced Drones will let you spot nests in the target area easily, and Scan Grenades are a good alternative if you’re using another Operator.

Difficulty: Medium
Best Operator: Lion, Vigil (Stealth allows for easy takedowns)
Best Equipment: Scan Grenades, Advanced Drone, Stun Grenades


One of the few mission objectives where stealth takes a back seat to pure brute force. For Sabotage you need to locate two towers and plant explosives on both towers. Once explosives have been place, waves of Archaens will attack you for approximately 90 seconds. During this time they will attempt to destroy the bombs placed on the towers. You need to fend them off until they detonate. Both towers are usually close together, allowing you to get crossing fields of fire, being able to defend both towers from a single location. You will want to utilize barriers and barricades to make it difficult to reach one of the towers, encouraging enemies to attack the other.

The best Operator for this particular task is Tachanka. He has decent speed and armor but more importantly, he brings a Mounted LMG as his special ability and a powerful shotgun as his weapon. The Mounted LMG is highly accurate and does a lot of damage. Combined with careful equipment placement, Tachanka can completely lock down areas with ease.

This mission is about pure power. Claymores are a huge help, completely shutting off avenues of advancement for the enemy. Frag Grenades are fantastic for clearing a group of enemies from a tower, Stun Grenades work the same in a pinch.

Difficulty: Medium
Best Operator: Tachanka
Best Equipment: Claymores, Frag Grenades, Stun Grenades


Scattered around the map are three laptops that you must discover and then activate in sequence. You cannot get the sequence wrong. Laptop B only becomes accessible once you have activated Laptop A. They are usually in close proximity and you only have 60 seconds to activate all three laptops once you have activated the first. Scouting is important here as you want to locate all three laptops as quickly and easily as possible.

Sledge is one of the best operators for this mission. His ability, Tactical Hammer, allows him to create paths through destructible walls so you can either reach all three laptops in quick succession, or take shortcuts avoiding large numbers of enemies.

The best equipment for this mission is scouting gear. Scan Grenades and Advanced Drones to locate the devices, Smoke Grenades can help you avoid enemies if needed.

Difficulty: Easy
Best Operator: Sledge
Best Equipment: Scan Grenades, Advanced Drone, Smoke Grenades

Serial Scan

Serial Scan
This is another mission where stealth becomes less important, and it’s one of the hardest objectives in the game. You must first locate a special device and then use it to scan several three different regions on the map. Once you have the device and step a single foot into one of the areas, Archaen waves will begin attacking. This is similar to Sabotage but with one vital difference, you can’t leave the area. You need to remain in a very small space for the duration for the objective to complete.

Gridlock is by far the most suited Operator for this role. Her ability, Trax Stingers, is a trap that you can place that both damages and slows enemies. As you’ll be getting attacked from multiple sides, these traps can buy you a vital few seconds to react and take enemies down

Claymores work great for area control. Glue Grenades can help slow an onslaught, giving you some time to reload or take down a few enemies, and Arc Mines are a great tool to dispatch of a large group of enemies quickly.

Difficulty: Hard
Best Operator: Gridlock
Best Equipment: Claymores, Glue Grenades, Arc Mine


Hunt requires you to find a number of allies of a particularly powerful Archaen and kill them, bringing out their boss before taking it down. You usually need to take down several targets before the elite will spawn but once it spawns, it tends to head straight for your position. There is a very high chance during this mission that you will be discovered so you want to take down as many nests as possible before drawing out the final bad guy.

Due to the conflict driven nature of this mission, we’ve found Finka to be the best suited Operator. Her ability, Adrenal Surge, instantly boosts team mates HP for a few moments and can also revive any downed team mates instantly. This is a fantastic fail safe if the mission gets a little hairy.

As always, the Advanced Drone or any scanning device will greatly increase your chance of success as you can locate the allies without putting yourself at risk. Body armor helps alleviate some of the damage should you get caught, and the revive kit on top of Finka’s support makes it very difficult to fail this mission.

Difficulty: Medium
Best Operator: Finka
Best Equipment: Advanced Drone, Body Armor, Revive Kit


Rescue has you seek out a VIP that has been taken captive somewhere on the map. The VIP is usually in a room surrounded by a number of strong and powerful enemies. The real risk of this mission is that single room. If any of the enemies in the immediate vicinity spot you or your squad, they will immediately begin attacking the VIP. Be careful of exploding enemies, if you blow them up the gas can all but kill a VIP in a single hit.

The best Operator for this mission is Fuze. His ability, Cluster Charge, lets you attach a cluster device to a destructible surface and then activate it to launch a series of cluster grenades into the room. You won’t damage the VIP unless on the hardest difficulty, so this will typically clear the room of enemies without incident.

Alternatively, you can have your squad mates throw in some Stun or Paralysis Grenades so you can go inside and takedown the enemies one by one.

Difficulty: Medium
Best Operator: Fuze
Best Equipment: Advanced Drone, Stun Grenades, Paralysis Grenade


Decontamination is one of the hardest objectives in the game, if you do not go in prepared. You need to find 10 special nests, green unlike the normal red ones, and destroy them all. As soon as you destroy the first nest, every other nest becomes active and begins spawning enemies. With 10 different nests, you can get overwhelmed really quickly. You’ll want to locate each of the 10 nests and position your squad to take out as many nests as quickly as possible. Have one member in a room with 4, another in a room with 3, etc. Place your squad so each member can take down enough nests to reach the 10 quickly.

The best Operator for this task is Pulse. His ability, Cardiac Sensor allows him to detect VIPs, MIAs, and Nests through walls. This gives your squad the perfect intel to locate all nests and position yourselves correctly.

Claymores are the real VIP here. Before attacking the first nest, place a claymore near each of the nests on ground level. As the enemy spawns from the nest, the claymore will destroy it and take out the nest as well. Be careful of the poisonous gas the final nest emits after gathering the intel.

Difficulty: Hard
Best Operator: Pulse
Best Equipment: Claymore, Scan Grenades, Revive Kit


Shutdown can be incredibly difficult if you get caught. You need to grab multiple canisters, one per player, from the helicopter evac point and then carry the canisters to a location to install into an Archaen tower to destroy its roots. While the tower is active any nest you destroy will respawn after a few moments. This means that if you are caught by a howling enemy, it can very quickly descend into a seemingly endless onslaught of spawning enemies. You can only use your secondary weapon while carrying a capsule and cannot use equipment.

This mission is purely about stealth, you want to avoid getting caught at all costs. However, a strong support Operator like Rook or Doc can greatly increase your chances of success if you are caught. Additional health or armor will let you take a couple of extra hits as you pick up and drop the capsule to deal with enemies.

Recon Vaper Device allows you to keep your scouted path clear of enemies and the React Laser helps avoid the slow caused by the Sprawl.

Difficulty: Hard
Best Operator: Rook/Doc
Best Equipment: Recon Vaper Device, Scan Grenades, React Laser

MIA Rescue

MIA Rescue
Missing In Action occurs when you fail to extract from a mission. Your Operator is unavailable for selection until they are rescued. When you attempt an MIA mission you will find your Operator encased in a cocoon like structure with several tendrils trailing off it. These tendrils lead to nest-like objects. When you attempt to free the Operator the nests send pulses down the tendrils. When a pulse reaches the Operator, the cocoon structure will attempt to consume it. You must destroy all of the nest-like objects to stop the pulses to free the Operator.

This is easy with two people but can be very hard alone. Jager is the perfect Operator for this task as his ability, Active Defense

Difficulty: Easy to Hard
Best Operator: Jager
Best Equipment: Scan Grenade,

There is a single other mission objective that is not available at the start of the game and we don’t want to spoil the details. We’ll have the guide updated if and when we’re able to complete it. Who are your Rainbow Six Extraction best Operators? Post a comment below and let us know your thoughts.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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