Manor Lords Guides Archives - GamersHeroes Short and accurate game guides designed to save you time and effort. Honest Game Reviews, Breaking News, & More Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:02:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Manor Lords Guides Archives - GamersHeroes 32 32 How To Upgrade Burgage Plots In Manor Lords Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:20 +0000 Upgrading Burgage Plots is the key component to increasing your Settlement Level and unlocking more Development points. As such, it's important to understand the upgrading process and how to fix some of the problems.

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Upgrading Burgage Plots is the key component to increasing your Settlement Level and unlocking more Development points. As such, it’s important to understand the upgrading process and how to fix some of the problems.

The actual process of upgrading a Burgage Plot is very simple. You simply select the Burgage Plot and then hit the upgrade option. Easy, eh?

Well, that’s until you take into account the various requirements needed for a Burgage Plot to reach the upgrade status. In the guide below, we’ll break down each Burgage Plot by level and the requirements needed.

Burgage Plot Level 1-2 Upgrade

An image showing the player the requirements for upgrading a Burgage Plot from level 1 to level 2, in the game Manor Lords

In order to upgrade a Burgage Plot from level 1 to level 2, you are going to need Water Access and Church Amenities, and then Fuel, Food, and Clothing Stall Supply.

Water Access is very simple. Make sure you construct a well on an underground water source somewhere in your region. Any location will fulfill the requirements but the location is still important.

Your villagers will have to physically travel to the Well and then back home each time they need water, so it’s a good idea to place a Well near the majority of your Burgage Plots.

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Church Level is also a very simple requirement. Build a Church anywhere in your region and this requirement is marked off, you do not need to have a Family assigned to the Church.

Then we have the Stall Supplies requirements, which can be more challenging. Fuel Supply requires a Woodcutters Lodge, with Families assigned, to gather Firewood which is then sold at the Marketplace.

Bonus Tip

When building your Burgage Plots, try to create a centralized area around your water source and Marketplace. This will greatly increase productivity as your Families spend less time seeking resources and gain full benefit of the Marketplace.

For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

Food Stall Supply, for the level 1-2 Burgage Plot upgrade, requires two different food types at the Marketplace. This is most easily achieved with Eggs from Chicken Coops and Vegetables from Vegetable Gardens, these are both Burgage Plot expansion upgrades.

Clothing Stall Supply requires enough supply on the Marketplace for each Burgage Plot. By far the easiest method to achieve this for the level 1-2 upgrade is to farm sheep.

Create a Pasture, construct a Livestock Trading Post, and import some Sheep. Then simply build a Sheep Farm to shear the sheep for Wool and then a Weaver Workshop to turn the Wool into Yarn.

The Yarn is one of the many items that works as a Clothing Stall Supply item.

Burgage Plot Level 2-3 Upgrade

An image showing the player the requirements for upgrading a Burgage Plot from level 2 to level 3, in the game Manor Lords

Upgrading from Burage Plot Level 2 to Level 3, works similarly. The Water Access requirement doesn’t change and the additional Church Level requirement is as simple matter of selecting your Church and upgrading it to level 2.

The Tavern Requirement is a new one introduced in this level. To achieve that, simply build a Tavern. It does need a supply of Ale in order for the Tavern Supply requirement to be checked.

Ale can be hard to obtain because of the farming requirements, but the easiest option is simply to Import Barley at the Trading Post and use a Brewery Expansion on a Level 2 Burgage Plot to turn the Barley into Ale.

This won’t be enough to keep your Tavern supplied 100% of the time, but it is enough that you can time it correctly and upgrade a bunch of Burgage Plots once the Tavern has a few Ales stored inside.

An image showing where they can find the Charcoal Burning Development upgrade to increase Fuel Stall Supply in the game Manor Lords

Then we return to the Fuel, Food, and Clothing Stall Supplies. This is identical to the previous level, except you need higher variety. If you’re struggling with Fuel Stall Supply, consider the “Charcoal Burning” development upgrade and build Charcoal Kilns.

For more Food Stall Supply types, either find new sources of food in your region or use the Trading Post to import them.

Clothing Stall Supply is a little easier. You can convert a couple of Level 2 Burgage Plots into Cobbler’s Shop, this provides shoes for your region.

Then, depending on the resources available in your region, you can build a Tailor’s Shop level 2 Burgage Plot upgrade and craft Clothes, Gambesons, or Cloaks.

I Have All The Requirements, But It Says I Do Not

An image showing players an example of the game telling them they have the required resources to upgrade a Burgage Plot, but they cannot upgrade. For the game, Manor Lords

If you look at the image above, you can see the Requirements report for two different Burgage Plots. The Burgage Plot on the left is Level 3 and the one on the right is Level 2.

The Level 3 Burgage Plot clearly shows that it has Food Stall Supply level 4, which means it has regular access to a Marketplace that features 4 unique types of foods.

The Level 2 Burgage Plot shows that it only has Food Stall Supply Level 2, which means it only has acess to 2 unique types of food. So what’s this all about?

This is in relation to the distribution ability of the Marketplace. It’s important to build the Marketplace in as central a location as possible and surround it with Burgage Plots.

If you have a Burgage Plot similar to my Level 2 Burgage Plot above, it simply means it is too far from the Marketplace to benefit from some of the supplies in smaller number.

In order to upgrade Burgage Plots that are further from the Marketplace, you will need a much higher number of each variety of food, fuel, or clothing.

Any questions, throw down a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter.

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Best Way To Get Food In Manor Lords Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:18 +0000 A healthy supply of varied food types is key to building a successful region in Manor Lords, but the faithful go-to of farming struggles to keep up, so you need to be a bit more creative for your food solution.

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A healthy supply of varied food types is key to building a successful region in Manor Lords, but the faithful go-to of farming struggles to keep up, so you need to be a bit more creative for your food solution.

Manor Lords features a robust farming system filled with upgrades and intricate mechanics, but seldom is it worth the effort. You need a lot of space, a lot of upgrade points, and a lot of time for farming to pay off. However, there is a better way.

Communal Farming Is The Best Source Of Food

An image showing the benefits of using Communal Farming as a food source in Manor Lords game

In order to grow your region and attract new Families, you’re going to need a strong and varied supply of food. Communal Farming is one of the best techniques to utilize if you want quick expansion of your region.

Whenever you construct a housing plot, or Burgage Plot as they are called in the game, you can extend the boundaries of the plot to include an Extensions slot.

Build Burgage Plots Big Enough To Support Communal Farming

This image shows players the correct method to use when constructing a Burgage so they have ample slots for upgrades to unlock communal farming in the game Manor Lords

The image above shows a Burgage Plot with the appropriate room to include an Extensions slot, this is shown by the roof icon with the small hammer beneath it. There is another Burgage Plot upgrade, which is a small house symbol with a + icon, but this merely supports more Families.

So, build a Burgage Plot and make sure it is large enough to support Extension options like the image above. Once constructed, you are then able to select from a variety of different Extensions.

An image showing the player the different Communal Farming expansions available via upgraded Burgage Plots in the Manor Lords game

Initially, you will be limited on the Extensions, but that’s okay. At the beginning of the game you want to focus on the Chicken Coop Extension. This particular Extension provides a constant and passive supply of eggs.

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How To Upgrade Burgage Plots
How To Improve Fuel Stall Supply
How To Improve Food Stall Supply

This Extension also doesn’t require any labor or upkeep from the Family living in the house, so it doesn’t detract from their other assignments.

Another good option as a fantastic food source is the Vegetable Garden, another Extension available at Burgage Plots.

An image showing the player the required size of a Burgage Plot to get the maximum yield from the Vegetable Garden Expansion in the game Manor Lords

This one is slightly different as you want much bigger Burgage Plots, probably 2-3x times the length of a normal plot – as the size of the plot influences the yield of the harvest.

Vegetable Gardens do take labor, so they are best used in houses with larger Families, but it works fine in a normal house.

Utilizing the methods shown in this guide will give you a near infinite supply of Eggs and Vegetables that will see you through every winter and provide enough food quantity and variety to upgrade each Burgage Plot to level 2.

For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

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How To Improve Clothing Stall Supply In Manor Lords Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:16 +0000 The Clothing Stall Supply is one of the requirements of upgrading Burgage Plots in Manor Lords. It's a complicated system, but one that needs to be understood if you want to expand your region.

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The Clothing Stall Supply is one of the requirements of upgrading Burgage Plots in Manor Lords. It’s a complicated system, but one that needs to be understood if you want to expand your region.

Unlike Fuel and Food Supply, a lack of Clothing Supply will not cause your Families to revolt or rebel until much later in the game, so it’s a safe thing to ignore early on.

However, once you want to start upgrading your Burgage Plots, you’re going to need to ensure your Families have an ample supply of clothing.

How To Increase Clothing Stall Supply

An image showing players the items required to increase Clothing Stall Supply in the game Manor Lords

In a nutshell, your Clothing Stall Supply represents the total amount of clothing related items available to your region at the Marketplace. However, this isn’t simply manufactured clothing items, the materials are enough.

For example, having Leather, Linen, Yarn, Clothes, Shoes, and Cloaks on your Marketplace all contribute toward your Clothing Stall Supply. The first three are enough for a Level 1 Clothing Stall Supply rating at Burgage Plots, while the other three items are required for level 2.

uses you construct for your Families to live in. This will bring up a list of “Requirements”, these are actually the factors that influence your Approval Rating.

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Increasing this supply is simply a matter of having more of the items.

What Are The Best Items For Clothing Stall Supply

An image showing players the best item to be used for Clothing Stall Supply early in the game for the game Manor Lords

Early on, you want to focus on Linen, Leather, and Yarn. The easiest, by far, is Yarn. This can be gathered from a near infinite resource for relatively low cost.

You need to set up a Trading Post to earn Regional Wealth and then a Livestock Trading Post to Import sheep into a Pasture you have built.

Bonus Tip

It’s incredibly easy to get a huge excess of both Wool and Yarn. Once you do, setup regular Trading Routes at the Trading Post for a constant and steady supply of Regional Wealth.

For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

From there, build a Sheep Farm and Weaver Workshop. This chain of buildings will then Import sheep, shear them for Wool, and make the Wool into Yarn. This will give you enough to reach Clothing Stall Supply Level 1 for every Burgage Plot in your region.

If you need more help on Trading, be sure to check out our detailed Manor Lords Trading Guide.

How To Make Clothing Items

An image showing players how to make various clothing items to increase Clothing Stall Supply in the game Manor Lords

Once you have Burgage Plots to level 1, the next requirement is additional clothing items to reach the level 2 upgrade requirements.

This is easily done with two Extensions. Extensions are specific Burgage Plot upgrades that can be applied to Burgage Plots that are big enough to support Extensions slots.

Make sure to upgrade two Burgage Plots with a Cobbler’s Shop Extension, this will provide enough shoes for the level 2 upgrade.

Then, finally, add a Tailor’s Shop Extension upgrade to one of your Burgage Plots and select either Clothes, Gambesons, or Cloaks, whichever your regional resources can support.

This will be enough to reach the highest level of Clothing Stall Supply across all of your Burgage Plots.

If you have any additional questions, please post a comment below.

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How To Improve Fuel Stall Supply In Manor Lords Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:14 +0000 Fuel Stall Supply is one of the key requirements to upgrading Burgage Plots in Manor Lords, so it's important to understand how it works and the best ways to improve it.

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Fuel Stall Supply is one of the key requirements to upgrading Burgage Plots in Manor Lords, so it’s important to understand how it works and the best ways to improve it.

To check the distribution of your Fuel Stall Supply you can select your Marketplace and highlight the Fuel section. This brings up an overlay that shows with Burgage Plots have access to Fuel and the Fuel types available.

Bonus Tip

Build a Forester’s Hut with at least 1 assigned family directly next to the Woodcutter’s Lodge. This will ensure fresh trees are planted, and you never need to move the Lodge.

For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

The term Fuel Stall Supply means just that, it’s the supply of fuel available at your Marketplace. It’s important to understand that Burgage Plots closer to a Marketplace gain the most benefits, whereas houses further from the Marketplace may be harder to upgrade.

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There are two ways to increase your Fuel Stall Supply in Manor Lords. Firstly, and arguably the easiest, is to construct a Woodcutter’s Lodge near dense woodland. With an assigned family, this building will cut down trees and provide Fuel Stall Supply for your Marketplace.

How To Improve Fuel Stall Supply

An image showing players the Charcoal Kiln, the best method of increasing Fuel Stall Supply in the game Manor Lords

If you already have a Woodcutter’s Lodge and your Fuel Stall Supply requirements are still falling short, you can either build more Lodges or a Charcoal Kiln.

Charcoal Kilns converts 1 Firewood into 2 Charcoal, effectively doubling your Fuel Stall Supply when compared directly to Firewood.

If you want to construct Charcoal Kilns, you will need to unlock the Charcoal Burning development upgrade in the Development Menu.

If you have any further questions, post a comment below.

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How To Improve Food Stall Supply In Manor Lords Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:12 +0000 Managing your Food Stall Supply is vital to surviving the winter, attracting new Families, and upgrading your Burgage Plots. In this guide, we'll break down the Food Stall Supply system

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Managing your Food Stall Supply is vital to surviving the winter, attracting new Families, and upgrading your Burgage Plots. In this guide, we’ll break down the Food Stall Supply system so you understand everything you need to know to progress and flourish.

Bonus Tip

When constructing Burgage Plots for Vegetable Gardens, make sure they are much larger than normal Burgage Plots for greater yield. For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

There are two main methods to analyzing your current Food Stall Supply situation. Firstly, you can click any Burgage Plot and see if the requirements are met.

Secondly, you can click the wider area of your Marketplace (not a stall) and highlight the Food Variety option. This will show you the amount, types, and distribution of your food in your region.

How To Increase Food Stall Supply

An image showing players how to increase the Food Stall Supply requirement for the game Manor Lords

Food Stall Supply, as a requirement for Burgage Plot upgrades, focuses on two core components. Quantity and variety.

You need a large amount of at least a single food resource to feed your Families, Eggs is one of the best resources for this as they are infinite and very cheap, and from there you need to focus on other food items.

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How To Improve Clothing Stall Supply
How To Make Money (Regional Wealth) In Manor Lords

Arguably the best source of additional Food Stall Supply are Expansions for Burgage Plots. Make sure you build Burgage Plots big enough to support Vegetable Gardens and Chicken Coops, and build them close to the Marketplace.

In order to upgrade your Burgage Plots you will need multiple types of food. Berries from Berry Bushes, Meat from hunting animals, you can also use the Trading Post to Import various foods to increase the variety on offer.

An image showing players what to do if they have a Burgage Plot that cannot be upgraded, even when having the requirements in the game Manor Lords

Even if you check the Marketplace and you see three different types of foods, some Burgage Plots will still not be able to be upgraded. The further a Burgage Plot is from the Marketplace, the less items available.

As such, if you have a Burgage Plot like mine above, too far from your Marketplace, it’s best to get much higher quantities of the three food items or build a closer market.

If you have any further questions, post a comment below.

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How To Get Sheep In Manor Lords Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:11 +0000 Sheep provide a fantastic and near infinite supply of Wool, making it an incredible resource for helping trade with other regions for commodities or resources your region lacks. Before attempting to get some sheep, you first need to construct a Pasture. This can be done from the farming construction menu. As you are building the …

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Sheep provide a fantastic and near infinite supply of Wool, making it an incredible resource for helping trade with other regions for commodities or resources your region lacks.

Before attempting to get some sheep, you first need to construct a Pasture. This can be done from the farming construction menu.

As you are building the Pasture, it will show you how many livestock it is able to support. We recommend trying to build a pasture big enough to at least support 30 sheep

Establishing Trade Routes To Pay For Sheep

An image showing the player how to construct a Trade Station In Manor Lords

Currently, the only method available to obtain sheep is to purchase them. This is done via the games Importing & Exporting feature at the Trading Post. That sounds simple enough but it’s actually quite a complicated process.

In order to buy, or Import, something from the Trading Post you will need to spend Regional Wealth. This is a currency that is only obtained through trading. You do start the game with a very small amount, so there’s a good chance you have already spent it on Chicken or other useful upgrades.

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So, in order to buy sheep, you will first need to find a product or material to export so that you earn enough Regional Wealth to pay for the Import cost of the sheep.

How To Make Regional Wealth Through Trade

An image showing How To Make Regional Wealth Through Trade

This is where the task becomes a little tricky as the resources available to you will not be the same as the resources available to us. However, almost every region will have some sort of abundance.

If you have Rich Deposits of Iron or Clay, these can provide an infinite supply of both raw resources and products created by those resources. Find out what resource surplus your region has and then head to the Trading Post.

Navigate to find the resource and then select the Export option, then assign a Family to work in the Trading Post. You can set a Surplus if you want to ensure you never drop below a certain amount, useful for vital resources such as food and fuel.

Once you have procured enough Regional Wealth, it’s time to move on to the final step, Importing the Sheep.

An image showing the process of Importing Sheep At The Livestock Trading Post

Construct a Livestock Trading Post and assign a Family to work there. Then select the building and choose the “Trade” option. Then navigate to sheep and select “Import”. Then, under the “Surplus” option, choose the amount equal to your Pasture size.

This instructs the family to continue to import sheep for the listed price until you reach the Pasture capacity. You can then build a Sheep Farm to automatically shear sheep for Wool and then a Weaver Workshop to turn that Wool into Yarn.

Bonus Tip

Regional Wealth is key for procuring resources unavailable in your region. Yarn and Wool are fantastic to export but consider, when starting a new game, to keep restarting until you find a region with a Rich Deposit of Iron or Clay for greater rewards.

For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

You can also return to the Trading Post and set up an Export Trading Route for both the Yarn or the Wool. It’s a fantastic revenue stream for Regional Wealth as the Sheep don’t need replacing or any further investment.

So, to summarize

  • To obtain Sheep you must Import them from a Livestock Trading post, this requires Regional Wealth
  • Regional Wealth can only be obtained through Exporting of various resources and products at the Trading Post.
  • Once you have earned enough Regional Wealth through trading, you can import the sheep at the Livestock Trading Post.

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How To Farm Rye In Manor Lords Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:08 +0000 Manor Lords allows players to plant and harvest a number of crops including Wheat, Flax, Barley, and Rye. Rye is one of the best crops to plant because it's highly resistant and can be grown on soil with less fertility.

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Manor Lords allows players to plant and harvest a number of crops including Wheat, Flax, Barley, and Rye. Rye is one of the best crops to plant because it’s highly resistant and can be grown on soil with less fertility.

It’s important to note that growing and harvesting Rye is a situational decision in Manor Lords. Each time you load into a map the resources available and fertility of the soil is randomized within a set of specific parameters.

Bonus Tip

You need a lot of space, upgrade points, and Families to truly take advantage of Farming in Manor Lords. Unless your heart is set on a thriving farming community, there are much better ways of obtaining the resources you need.

For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

As such, sometimes it will be detrimental to focus on farming. So, before you decide on whether you want a farm of Rye, make sure to check the Fertility of the soil in the overlay interface.

This is important because Rye is only available through an upgrade in the Development tech tree, and wasting a point on a plant you cannot grow or harvest is a bit of a waste.

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How To Get Sheep
Understanding Trading In Manor Lords
Understanding The Marketplace

Click the town name at the top center of the screen and this will open the Development menu. On the top development tree you will see the Rye Cultivation technology.

You need to unlock the Orchardry technology first, so a total of two upgrade points are required to unlock the ability to farm and harvest Rye.

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How Does Trading Work In Manor Lords – Trading Explained Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:07 +0000 Trading is a vital component to managing your Economy in Manor Lords as each region will struggle with different resources, making Trading paramount if you want to survive and succeed.

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Trading is a vital component to managing your Economy in Manor Lords as each region will struggle with different resources, making Trading paramount if you want to survive and succeed.

Trading is quite often an overlooked, ignored, or late-game component of other strategy games, but it plays a far more important role in Manor Lords.

It is the single only method of obtaining Regional Wealth, a unique currency that can be used to purchase Livestock, Resources, and Commodoties.

How To Start Trading

How To Start Trading in Manor Lords - a guide on the basics first

We recommend building the Trading Post quite early, after you have constructed enough houses for your Families and taken advantage of all the natural resource locations on your region.

This is because trading is a slow, real-time process, meaning your traders have to physically walk between trading outposts in order to share their wares.

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To begin trading all you need to do is construct a Trading Post and assign a Family to that post. After that, you just need to figure out what to trade.

What Are The Best Resources To Trade

Explaining more advanced mechanics behind trading in Manor Lords, an image showing the best resources to trade

This is the key component and one that will be different for each player. For example, in my current region I have a Rich Deposit Iron Mine with the Deep Mining Technology Upgrade. This provides me with infinite Iron Ore that I can either sell directly or forge into Iron Slabs for even greater profit.

However, you may not have those same natural resources available to you. It’s a very simple calculation of supply. If you have enough spare, you have enough to sell.

We advise against selling your food or fuel items early on as you will want to stock up for winter. However, any other natural resources will work.

One of the best methods of finding something quick, effective, and profitable to trade is to construct sheep pastures and sell Wool or Yarn. These offer infinite supply, at a relatively low cost, and act as the perfect bridge before you get into more complicated trading such as weapons and armor.

How Does The Trading Work

How Does The Trading Work in Manor Lords

Once you have the Trading Post constructed, selecting the building and navigate to the Trade option. This brings up a list of all Construction, Crops, Food, Materials, Commodities, and Military resources that are available to trade.

The Export price is fixed, it’s just a choice of what you want to Import and Export. Importing is simple. Select the resource you want to Import and then set your Surplus (the limit to how much you want at any one time), and the traders will start arriving.

You can establish a trade route, if you have the Regional Wealth, this speeds up the process with specific traders taking a direct route.

Exporting works much the same. You select the resource and change the “No Trade” option to “Import”. You choose the Surplus – this number represents the maximum you can have at once, not the maximum you will buy.

You will then start exporting those goods over time.

For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

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Understanding The Manor Lords Marketplace Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:05 +0000 Understanding the important of the Marketplace in Manor Lords is vital as a lack of understanding can slow regional growth, cause supply issues, and even force Families to abandon your region.

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Understanding the important of the Marketplace in Manor Lords is vital as a lack of understanding can slow regional growth, cause supply issues, and even force Families to abandon your region.

Very early in any game of Manor Lords, you will be required to construct a Marketplace. You can build a Marketplace under the Construction menu in the Residential category. It does not require any materials to construct, so make sure you place one early.

It does not need to be a large area, and you can always construct additional markets later, but we suggest you create at least a 3×3 space for your first Marketplace.

What Is The Marketplace

An image showing players a thriving Marketplace in the game Manor Lord

The Marketplace is important because of the role it serves within your region. Whenever any of your production buildings produce goods, those goods are then either placed in storage or taken to the market.

This is true for produce, such as materials for clothing, firewood for fuel, or food related items, other materials will be placed into appropriate storage.

If you inspect any production facility, such as a Tannery, you will see the Families assigned and a small icon showing whether they have a Stall at the market.

Understanding The Marketplace

This image shows players an important overlay that informs them of the supply, demand, and distribution of vital supplies and resources in the game Manor Lords

The Marketplace is the distribution hub of your entire region. If a family requires food, fuel, or clothing, they will have to physically visit the Marketplace and procure those goods.

This is especially important because it is directly tied to your regional and game progress. In order to advance through the game you need to upgrade your Burgage Plots and in order for a Burgage Plot to be upgraded, it requires regular access to, among other things, Fuel, Food, and Clothing.

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How To Make Money (Regional Wealth) In Manor Lords

Selecting your Marketplace brings up a Supply & Demand screen. You can then hover over any of the three main categories, Fuel, Food Variety, and Clothing. This will then add a new overlay that shows you the distribution of goods to your Burgage Plots.

Whilst hovering over the different categories, you can also see the various supplies available to your Families in each category. This is important to understand, as upgrading Burgage Plots requires both quantity and variety of resources.

How To Add New Stalls To The Marketplace

An image showing the player the player how to check what families have market stalls at the Marketplace in the game Manor Lords

Stalls are automatically added to the Marketplace by a family working at any production facility that is required to meet one of the three main Market Supply needs of a Burgage Plot.

For example, inspect any Burgage Plot and under the Residential tab, you will see the “Market Supply” category. In that category are three main areas of supply, Fuel, Food, and Clothing.

If a family is assigned to work at any building that produces Fuel, Food, or Clothing supplies, they will automatically open a stall on the Marketplace to sell the goods.

You can inspect any facility and look for the Marketplace icon on the family to show they have a stall.

Important Marketplace Mechanics To Understand

An image showing the vital mechanics of the Marketplace that players need to understand in order to correctly utilize the marketplace to maximum effect in the game Manor Lords

It is important to understand that the Marketplace has a limited sphere of influence. This means that Burgage Plots closest to the Marketplace will benefit most from the supplies on offer.

The further a Burgage Plot is away from the Marketplace, the less benefits it will reap from the Stalls in place.

What does this mean? Well, it means that Burgage Plots located close to your Marketplace will be easier and quick to upgrade due to the proximity to the Marketplace.

While Burgage Plots that are further away, will be more difficult to upgrade. This is because of the time it takes to travel to the Marketplace.

Bonus Tip

You want to centralize your Marketplace and surround it with Burgage Plots, for peak efficiency. You do not need a large Marketplace. The one shown above is after about 20 hours of play, and there’s still plenty of room.

For more useful tips, be sure to check out our collection of Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

For example, a Burgage Plot at level 2 requires three unique food types to be at the market in order to upgrade the Burgage Plot to level 3.

If you have 100 Eggs, 100 Vegetables, and 5 Bread, there’s a high chance that the Bread will not be available when the distant families visit the market.

As such, to upgrade these distant plots, you will require a greater number of food varieties to be effective.

If you have any questions on the Marketplace in Manor Lords, post a comment below and I’ll be happy to lend a hand.

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How To Make Easy Money (Regional Wealth) In Manor Lords Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:00:03 +0000 Regional Wealth is a vital resource that can be used to procure vital resources or expand your dominion into nearby regions - unlocking vast new resources and opportunities.

The post How To Make Easy Money (Regional Wealth) In Manor Lords appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Regional Wealth is a vital resource that can be used to procure vital resources or expand your dominion into nearby regions – unlocking vast new resources and opportunities.

What Is Regional Wealth

An image showing the player what Regional Wealth is in the game Manor Lords

Regional Wealth is a currency available to your region that has not yet been converted to treasury. Its primary function is to purchase items from the Trading Post.

The only method to obtaining Regional Weath is also via the Trading Post, so it’s a good idea to brush up on the Trading System in Manor Lords.

How To Turn Regional Wealth Into Treasury

An image showing players the building required in order to turn Regional Wealth into Treasury in Manor Lords

In order to convert Regional Wealth into Treasure, you need to first build a Manor. This can be constructed once you have reached “Small Village” level with your settlement.

You can then find it in the Administration section of the building menu. Once it has been built, you can open tax menu by selecting the Manor and choosing “Taxes”.

You can then decide how much Land Tax you want to apply. Land Tax converts a portion of your Regional Wealth into Treasury at the end of each year.

Be careful with this setting, as the higher Tax, the more negative impact it will have on your Approval Rating.

The Best Way To Get Regional Wealth

An image showing players the Trading Post, the best way to earn Regional Wealth in Manor Lords

The best and only real method is trading via the Trading Post. Early on, this is best done by gathering an abundant resource in your region and then selling it. Wood, Planks, Iron, Clay, any resource you have an abundance of will work.

Once you have a small amount of Regional Wealth to start you off, invest in a Livestock Trading building and then construct a Sheep Farm and a Weaver Workshop.

This combination of buildings means you will be regularly importing sheep, shearing them for wool, and then converting the wool into yarn.

Bonus Tip

When you construct your Pasture for your sheep, keep note of the total livestock spaces available. Then, when you are importing sheep via the Livestock Trader, select the Surplus to be the same as your Pasture. This will ensure your Pasture remains full but no sheep escape.

For more useful tips, tricks, and guides, check out our Manor Lords Walkthrough Guides.

You can sell both the Wool and the Yarn very easily on the Trading Post and have a small but steady income of Regional Wealth right at the start of the game.

As you progress, you will want to invest in production of product, changing raw materials into weapons, armor, and clothing that sells for much higher prices.

Make sure there is a short route from the Tradepoint to your Trading Post. Tradepoints, if you zoom out on the map, are marked by blue icons. Traders travel from those points to your Trading Post. If you can build one right on the edge, it’s much faster.

The post How To Make Easy Money (Regional Wealth) In Manor Lords appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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