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After completing the Prophet Quest for the vampire faction Serana will bug you relentlessly to move onto the next part of quests. Although you now have a Moth Priest and one Elder Scroll on hand there is more to the prophecy. You must find two other Elder Scrolls for Lord Harkon to see the whole prophecy. This quest guide will go over finding Serana’s mother, Valerica, in the Chasing Echoes Quest.

Chasing Echoes Quest Guide

“Serana has indicated her desire to locate her estranged mother, Valerica, who had fled Castle Volkihar with one of the Elder Scrolls. She believes that Valerica may have left a clue to her whereabouts somewhere in the courtyard of the castle. In order to avoid detection by Harkon, we’ve decided to utilize a hidden entrance on the backside of the island.

  • Speak to Serana
  • Explore Castle Volkihar’s Courtyard

250px-Serana-150x150After speaking to Serana she will tell you a little bit more about her family disfunction and how she thinks they must find her mother to find the Elder Scrolls. She will tell you about her mothers gardening and how Serana feels there must be a clue there. At the end of the conversation you can leave out the front door of Castle Volkihar.

Head down the bridge after exiting and hang a right. It doesn’t look like much but you can follow this path around the castle so you can get to the secret entrance to the courtyard. After following the coast line for a while you will see a boat docking area. There will be three or four Draugrs around the boat landing that you will need to take out and then you can head inside a door at the top of the stairs.

Once inside head down the stairs. There is a lonely Skeever to be dealt with but that is a piece of cake. On the bottom the stairs there will be a door you can open and go through. Get ready for a battle after the doors open

DeathHound-150x150This room opens up into a channel. This channel is full of Ferral Vampires and Death Hounds. Take them out or sneak around them if you would like. The path you have to go through is blocked by a bridge that needs to be put down. The lever is located after a small flight of stairs on the Northern Wall. Hit the switch and go to the bridge.

The walkway will come to a T. Serana will tell you to go left to find a switch for the bridge that is up on the other side of this room. Take a left and be careful for traps.

The path will bring you to a room with skeletons (dead ones not enemies) and some Death Hounds. Easy enough to take out but there is three of them so don’t let them gang up on you. Once inside this room take a left. You will see a small staircase that you can go up.

frostbite-spider-150x150The staircase will take you to a small corridor with spider webs all over. The spider webs on the right are covering an Adept Chest with some gold and a potion. The path strait ahead has some baddies and has to be attacked to unblock. This is a great time to switch into Vampire Lord mode if you would like. Scratch that, the game is to buggy to allow you to get through the opening. There is a Giant Frostbite Spider that you can take out from distance with vampire magic or just go in and defeat it while in your normal form. Once you beat the Giant Frostbite Spider the lever will be on the Northern wall of the room. Hit the lever and head out the door on the West wall.

From here you can drop back down into the bone filled room where you defeated the three Death Hounds. Head back to the bridge room to your newly created path. Be careful of the hanging spikes, but other than that you will be just fine. Head up the stairs after crossing your created bridge and head out into the courtyard.

Exploring Castle Volkihar’s Courtyard

Serana will point a couple of interesting things in the Courtyard. The courtyard has been deserted for centuries. Her fathers hatred for the place is very evident. The entrance to the courtyard from the castle has been sealed up. After looking around Serana will stop and notice that the moondial is not how it used to be. You will then get an update to your quest.

  • Investigate the moondial

Moondial-150x150In the spot where her mother, Valerica, used to garden there will be a shinny full moon crest. Pick it up and Serana again say that the moondial is out of place. Search around for the other missing pieces. One is located on the upper portion of the East wall. Another moon crest is located in a little pond on the Northwest part of the map. Place all the pieces in the moondial and it will open a passageway.

Serana and I are trying to locate her mother, Valerica, who may have one of the Elder Scrolls. Our journey has taken us to the couryard of Castle Volkihar where we’ve discovered a hidden entrance underneath Valerica’s old moondial.

  • Explore Castle Volkihar’s Ruined Tower

Head down the new passage way and open the door to Volkihar Ruins. The passage will look like a dead end, but there is a chain on the left wall that can be pulled. The secret door will reveal a new part of the castle. Serana doesn’t know the location and warns to be careful. Head up the stairs and be ready for battle!

Exploring Castle Volkihar’s Ruined Tower

There are a good dose of Skeletons in this room. If you open the door and attack any of the Skeletons sitting down you might get a jump on two or three of them. You can always head back down the stairs you came from to funnel them into a line. This worked great for me. After killing all the Skeletons head back into the room and head up the staircase on the right.

Directly across from you in the new room is a large Gargoyle. As soon as you take a couple of steps into the room fire lights will ignite and the Gargoyle will come to life. He is pretty tough so be careful. If the Gargoyle becomes to much for you to handle let Serana take some hits. She is a pretty good sponge for damage. Defeat the Gargoyle and move on to the next room.

Volkiharinterior_03-150x150There are two Skeletons directly up the steps in the next room. Take them out and go up the large staircase. After getting to the top there will be another large Gargoyle that will spring up. Same thing, if you can funnel him down the stairs he will have a much harder time getting at you and doing some damage. Take him out and the coast is clear for a little bit.

After heading up another set of stairs you will see a Gargoyle again. Thankfully this one does not jump out at you so you can relax. Head along the path and up some more stairs. After a little ways there will be a Skeleton in a small offshoot room. He is turned the wrong way so it is easy to sneak attack him. Finish the Skeleton off and keep moving along the path and towards the quest marker.

After following a ton of stairs corridor will open up into a dining hall looking room. There are two normal Skeletons and an archer in this area. Take them out and move through the room. At the top of the stairs that are across from where you enter you will see another, you guessed it, large Gargoyle who is guarding a chain you need to pull. As soon as you pull the chain he will pop to life and a door will open with a Skeleton Archer. Take these two baddies out and go through the newly opened door that is on the Northeast wall.

elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-dawnguard-gargoyle-150x150Make your way up the steps. Half way up there is a Skeleton waiting to attack you. Take him out from that point on the stairs or the bottom. After beating the Skeleton make your way to the top of the stairs. A Gargoyle will bash it’s way through the wall and attack you. Walk back down the stairs if you need more room to fight him. After beating him you can go two different ways. If your lockping skills is high enough there is an Expert locked door that has some good loot, potions and avoids some enemies. If not pull the chain and head into the room to your left.

This room has a heavy dose of Skeletons. I definitely recommend turning into Vampire Lord form before entering this area. Take them out one by one and don’t get cornered. You can run down the stairs if you are having a problem funneling them into a strait line.

After defeating all of the skeletons you can make your way through the big hall they came from. Make sure to check behind different walkways because there is tons of good loot waiting. Wind your way up stairs and through pathways until you come to a door.

The doorway opens up into a small study-like looking room. There is a potion or two here and there but nothing to write home about. Make your way through the small room and open the door on the other side. The door will open up into a larger study. The room looks harmless but there are large gargoyle statues all around. One by one, three different gargoyles will come to life. Take them out quickly so that you don’t have to take these on all together.

After taking out the gargoyles there is another secret passage way you have to activate. I don’t know why but it took me a long time to figure out how to get through the secret door. There is a candle stick right next to what looks like a fire place on the south side of the room. Turn the candle stick and head through the new doorway that will lead to a kind of long set of stairs.

Exploring Valerica’s Laboratory

After walking up the stairs you will be in a room with a strange circular seance circle. This room is a alchemist’s haven. Look around the room because there is a ton of good ingredients! After a little bit Serana will tell you to look for her mothers notes. The notes will probably say something about the Elder Scroll.

“After exploring the ruined tower beyond, we’ve stumbled across an old alchemy laboratory. Serana is convinced her mother has hidden some notes that may yield a clue as to her whereabouts.

  • Locate Valerica’s Journal

dawnguardvalericajournal-150x150There is a book shelf on the south side of the room. In the middle book shelf on the top row there will be a small red notebook. Read the notebook and a new part of the quest will be brought up. Speak to Serana about what you found in the notebook.

Serana’s mother is in a place called the Soul Cairn. The circle in the middle of the room is a portal to get to this area. You will need some ingredients from the area to open up the portal. After talking to Serana you will open up the next section of the quest

According to Valerica’s notes found there, she has likely fled Tamriel and entered the Soul Cairn, a dimensional plane of Oblivion. In order to pursue her into the Soul Cairn, Serana and I need to recreate the experiment that opens the portal to this strange place.”

  • Gather Purified Void Salts
  • Gather Finely Ground Bone Meal
  • Gather Soul Gem Shards
  • Place the ingredients in the vessel
  • Speak to Serana

Chasingechoes-150x150If you already picked up a bunch of ingredients you might have most of these items already. If not, just search around the room for the different items. There is a book case full of ingredients on the main floor and a table on the second floor with a ton of soul gems. The finely ground bone meal is on the first floor on the alchemy table by the bookcase. The purified void salts are on the table on the top floor of the room. Collect all the pieces and return back to Serana.

Serana will tell you to put all of the ingredients in the vessel overlooking the strange summoning circle. After doing so speak again to Serana. She will add her blood and open the doorway to the Soul Cairn.

“In Valercia’s laboratory, we’ve recreated an experiment she performed and opened a portal to the Soul Cairn, a plane of Oblivion. Serana believes strongly that her mother is inside this strange place and has indicated we should step through.”

  • Enter the Soul Cairn

Here goes nothing! Step down the newly created stairs and enter the Soul Cairn. Once through the doorway the quest will end and so shall this guide. Make sure to keep checking back because in the next day or two we will post our Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Beyond Death Quest Guide.

Like this Dawnguard Guide? Make sure to check out some of our other guides like:

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Prophet Quest Guide for Vampires Sat, 07 Jul 2012 00:05:17 +0000 After completing the Bloodstone Chalice Quest, introducing you to the Vampire Lord, and Volkihar Keep, you start the Prophet Quest for the Vampire Side. This quest begins directly after turning in the Bloodstone Chalice Quest. Garan Marethi will tell you that your presence is necessary from Lord Harkon.

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After completing the Bloodstone Chalice Quest, introducing you to the Vampire Lord, and Volkihar Keep, you start the Prophet Quest for the Vampire Side. This quest begins directly after turning in the Bloodstone Chalice Quest. Garan Marethi will tell you that your presence is necessary from Lord Harkon. This will be our jumping off point for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Prophet Quest Guide for Vampires.

Prophet Quest Guide for Vampires

“When I returned to Castle Volkihar, I was informed that Lord Harkon was waiting to speak to me.

  • Speak to Harkon

Lord-Harkon-300x166Now that you have completed your first quest for the vampires some other side stuff will open up if you want to side track. For example, the evil looking dogs can now be hired as a companion if you so choose to. Make sure to not run into any towns or friendly areas with the beast however. They will go NUTS over fresh meat! There is also a couple side quests you can pick up if you want to be all up in the vampire politics scene. After checking some stuff out make your way to Lord Harkon in his little torture chamber.

Turns out Lord Harkon was hiding a little secret. He is happy to see his daughter, but Harkon is looking to find a way to fight the sun. He has read old texts that Moth Priests have written that detail a proclamation about vampires being able to one day control the sun. Harkon will then ask you to follow him.

“When I returned to Castle Volkihar, Lord Harkon told me of a prophecy hidden in the Elder scrolls that, if fulfilled, would end the tyranny of the sun over vampires. now he has asked me to join him as he makes a proclamation to the court.

  • Listen to Harkon’s speech

After listening to Harkon’s speech you pretty much have the same information as his talk in his study. Blah blah want to stop the tyranny of the sun and rule the land. The important part of the speech is that you will need to find a Moth Priest to read the elder scroll on Serana’s back. After his speech Serana will speak to you and ask to join your party. Also if you talk to her again after she joins you can unlock an extra option for finding the Moth Priest. Head outside the doors to fast travel.

“Eager to unlock the secrets of an ancient prophecy thought to be hidden within Serana’s Elder Scroll, Harkon has ordered his court to find a Moth Priest.”

  • (Optional) Visit the College of Winterhold to ask about the Moth Priest
  • (Optional) Ask innkeepers in cities about the Moth Priest
  • (Optional) Ask carriage drivers about the Moth Priest
  • Locate a Moth Priest

Vampire-Note-Dawnguard-300x168You can do any of the optional parts of the quest to get the location of the Moth Priest. If you want to save some time however, you can just head strait over to Dragon Bridge. Just South of the bridge there will be a tipped over caravan. In this caravan there will be a dead vampire and Imperial Soldier. Loot the dead vampires body and in it will be a note. Read the note to move on to the next part of the quest.

Capturing the Moth Priest

“Following Harkon’s command to locate a Moth Priest, I followed the trail to Dragon Bridge. There, I learned that a rival band of vampires abducted the Moth Priest I’ve been tracking and took him to a place called Forebears’ Holdout.

  • Capture the Moth Priest

Forebears’ Holdout is not to far from the tipped over caravan. Head south along a smaller bridge and look on the mountain side. There will be an entrance that is guarded by nobody (go figure). Head inside into the holdout.

After heading into the holdout head to the left. You can also revert into Vampire Lord form if you want to reck shop. There are a couple of dogs along the left path. Take them out and head inside the small castle structure.

After going inside the castle it looks like the Dawnguard has made it there first. You will have to take out the Dawnguard and they are actually a little bit tougher then other enemies. There armor protects them well against the Vampire perks. If you can get close to them and do a power attack by holding the triggers down when on the ground you can bite them. Doing this sucking move takes down their health and increases your vampire skill greatly.

chrome-2012-07-01-04-49-02-26-300x168Take out all the Dawnguard on the main floor head upstairs. There are still two live Dawnguards left to deal with. Kill them and you will have killed everyone in the place. Revert back to normal mode. There will be a dead Markus on the ground with a quest symbol over him. Loot his body to get a piece called the Weystone Focus. This piece, when inserted into the pedestal just above where you just fought. Will deactivate the force field around the Moth Priest. Take the piece up and deactivate the magic field.

“After a rival vampire faction captured and enthralled the Moth Priest, I fought him and forced him to submit. Now it is my turn to enthrall the Moth Priest by using my new found powers.”

  • Use your Vampire’s Seduction power on the Moth Priest
  • Feed on the Moth Priest to make him your thrall

The Moth Priest will turn on you after you deactivate the magic barriers. Kill him and he will go down to one knee. You will then be prompted to use your Vampire’s Seduction power. Open up the menu, go to magic, down to powers and select Vampire’s Seduction with the A (or select) button. Make sure to go into first person for this part. Hit the RB (or use button) and seduce the Moth Priest. If you miss you will have to wait a full 24 hours to use the power again, but the Moth Priest won’t go anywhere. This will seduce him and make him susceptible to influence. Hit the A (or select) button on him again. you can either Feed or talk to him. Select the feed option to make him your thrall.

Finishing Up

“Eager to hear the contents of Serana’s Elder Scroll, Harkon commanded the court to find a Moth Priest. I have now captured one and made him my thrall, commanding him to return to Castle Volkihar. I must report this success to Harkon.”

  • Command the Moth Priest to go to Volkihar Castle
  • Report your success to Harkon

Speak with the Moth Priest. He will be delighted by your presence and ask what you will have him do. Pick the only option available and send him to Volkihar Castle. After he goes on his marry way you can also head there. Take the same path you came in when you entered the Holdout so you can leave and fast travel. Once outside fast travel back to Volkihar Castle in the North West part of the Skyrim map.

elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-dawnguard-castle-volkihar-1-300x168When you arrive at the Castle there will be two Dawnguard Scouts to greet you. Take them out and head into Volkihar Castle. When inside go and talk to Harkon. He will be waiting for you in the main dining hall. He will tell you to order your moth priest to read the Elder Scroll

“With the moth Priest safely back at Castle Volkihar, the time has come to hear the prophecies contained within the Elder Scroll.”

  • Command the Moth Priest to read the Elder Scroll

Walk over to the Moth Priest and talk to him. He will read the prophecy and tell you that he needs two more scrolls to complete the prophecy. After he is done with his readings return back to Harkon to report what you have heard, not even 10 feet from where Harkon is standing. Sometimes… this game… Guh. After talking to Harkon you will finish and thus ends our Prophet Quest guide for vampires.

Like this Dawnguard Guide? Make sure to check out some of our other guides like:

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Bloodstone Chalice Quest Guide Mon, 02 Jul 2012 08:10:02 +0000 Feeling like being bad and progressing down the Vampire Lord quest line? The Bloodstone Chalice is the start of the Vampire Lord Quest line and is full of vampiric fun. The quest starts right after the make shift control run down given by Lord Harkon. This guide will assist you in your journeys to becoming a stronger vampire lord and in defeating the Dawnguard of Skyrim.

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Feeling like being bad and progressing down the Vampire Lord quest line? The Bloodstone Chalice is the start of the Vampire Lord Quest line and is full of vampiric fun. The quest starts right after the make shift control run down given by Lord Harkon. This guide will assist you in your journeys to becoming a stronger vampire lord and in defeating the Dawnguard of Skyrim.

Bloodstone Chalice Quest Guide

“Harkon has asked me to speak to Garan Marenthi, telling him simply ‘It is time.'”

  • Speak with Garan Marethi

One thing that the control guide from Harkon never really goes over is that you can’t really interact with chests, people or items in Lord Vampire mode. While you’re just hanging out in the castle, or walking around villages, it’s best to just stay in your normal form. Click up on the D-pad (favorites menu for other consoles) and click a on the revert form option. Hold the LB (shout button) for a second and you will revert back to normal.

Bloodstone-Chalice-300x169Now that you can speak with others head over to Garan Marenthi. He will be roaming around the vampire hall. Tell him that you have a message from Harkon and he will scold you for something dumb. The only option after that is to tell him that it is time. Garan will then tell you about the Bloodstone Chalice and about how something big must be up.

  • Follow Garan

Garan Marenthi will then ask you to follow him. He will show you where the Bloodstone Chalice is located. He will also tell you a little about the chalice and what it means that Harkon is asking for it now. Your job in the next part of the quest is to fill it from the redwater spring.

Redwater Den Guide

I’ve been asked to take a special artifact of Harkon’s – the Bloodstone Chalice – and to fill it from the spring in Redwater Den. After that, I need to add the blood of a powerful vampire and deliver the chalice to Garan Marenthi.

  • Take the Bloodstone Chalice to Redwater Spring

You will automatically pick up the chalice after Garan Marenthi is done talking to you. After recieving the challice it is your job to take it to Redwater Den. Head outside the castle so you can fast travel. If you have already been by the hut you can fast travel there. Unfortunately I had to fast travel just outside the location and make my way in. The Den’s entrance is in a little hut. There is a lookout there but all is friendly as long as you don’t attack. Head down the trapdoor to get into Redwater Den.

Redwater-Den-300x169When inside make sure to put all of your weapons away. A doorman will tell you as long as you don’t have your weapons out you won’t have a problem. Talk to the dealer as soon as you get in. There will be an option to either buy, or persuade her, to give you some redwater skooma. Head into one of the rooms and drink the redwater skooma. When you do your character will pass out.

You wake inside a jail cell. The vampires give dosed red skooma to people and then turn them into cattle. After a little discussion one of them will walk away. Crouch behind the jail sell and loot the body of the person in the wheelbarrow. There will be 2 lock picks that you can use to get out of the jail cell. You can also pickpocket the guard to get a key for the room. Walk outside the jail cell and pop your Vampire Lord power to start wrecking. There are three or four vampires in this original jail area. And then you can make your way up a wooden ramp.

Right before you hit the next set of barred doors there is some goodies to pick up. Revert form back to your normal self to loot the gold, chest and potions in the area. Head back down the ramp you came from. The barred door will only take you back to the room you passed out in.

After making your way back through the big room you got jailed in there will be a bridge that is upright. The lever to move the bridge is just to the left of the walkway. Pull the lever so you can cross.

Chain-Bloodstone-Chalice-300x169You will make your way into a mine of sorts. This mine has a couple of enemies that can be taken out easily by your magic as a Vampire Lord. Make your way through the mine until you find yourself at what looks like a dead end. There will be a chain that you can pull to open up a pathway.

Moving into the next room there will be an Arcane table, two death hounds, some goodies and the doorway to Redwater Spring. Pick up all that you please and head into the Spring. The room will fork to the left and right. Take the right path and you will hear some vampires talking. We need to open the door on the right, but that takes some moving around.

Kill the vampires talking about the Redsping and skooma. Be careful as there is a big pit that acts as a trap. Even if you do fall down it the Vampire Lord form is really strong so you shouldn’t have any problems. Walk up the staircase. There is a chest across from the catwalk that you are put on. If you use the Bat Form skill you can cross this gap to get to the chest.

Grab the cash in the chest and then head back to the catwalk. Continue along the catwalk and you will see the room you originally came from. In the lit area there will be a chain that you can pull. The chain will open the surrounding doors so you can move forward. Pull the chain and head through the newly opened doors.

You will now be able to get into a new room. There will be a couple of Death Hounds and vampires that will greet you. Take them out and head up the stairs. The path will take you to another gated door. This time the chain will be right next to the door. Activate the chain and head into the next room

The door directly to the right will spring a trap as soon as you open it. If you want the chest that is inside this door, open the door and then run away from the door as quickly as possible. The loot isn’t that great so you can skip it. The door directly in front of you when you walk in is a closet that has a couple of potions. The third door, in the Northwest corner, will get you on your way to continuing the journey.

There are a bunch of traps in this new room. If you are still in Vampire Lord form then the traps will not be sprung. Head through the room and it will take you into a new area.

This new area is kind of a semi-boss room. There are 3 or 4 Vampires as well as a Master Vampire named Veanarus Vulpin. Kill all of them and watch your health. If they are all ganging up on you then can take you down. If you are still in Vampire Lord form though just use your magic to kill them and absorb health at the same time. After killing everyone you will have to revert to your normal form to loot Venarus Vulpin’s body. He has the key necessary to moving on to the next room. Grab all the goodies from the surrounding area. There is a piece of armor called the Scaled Armor of the Eminent Squire that increases light armor skill by 20 points as well as a soul gem and a giant chest. After grabbing everything you would like you can head into the spring.

6830870_f260When you open the door you will see the Redspring. Head to the middle of the spring to fill up the Chalice. After filling the chalice the quest marker will change and it will say return to Garan Marenthi. Before you leave the room you will be stopped by two vampires from Harkon’s quart. They have some drabble that they say that basically ends in them saying they are going to kill you. Go into Vampire Lord mode whenever you would like and destroy the two of them.

After killing the two vampires you can take their blood to add to the chalice. This will complete the blood of a strong vampire part of the quest. Now that we have everything we need in the chalice we can head out of Redwater Den.

Finishing Up

Now that you are back outside you can fast travel to Castle Volkihar to finish the Quest. Head up the walkway and through the door into Volkihar keep. Garan Marethi will be standing exactly where you left him where the chalice was given to you. Talk to him and he will ask you about the two vampires you just killed. He will tell you about the politics of Harkon’s court and then tell you to speak with Harkon yourself. After the conversation with Marethi the Bloodstone Chalice quest will be completed and thus the end of this guide.

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Hide and Seek Quest Guide Sat, 30 Jun 2012 09:11:22 +0000 After returning to Dawnguard and talking to Serana there will be a couple of side quests that you can complete. One of the side quests that you can complete allows players to hunt down a vampire desguised as a traveling pilgrim. This guide is here to help players complete the Hide and Seek Quest in Skyrim. Talk to Gunmar who is usually hanging around the forge or smelter and he will give you the quest.

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After returning to Dawnguard and talking to Serana there will be a couple of side quests that you can complete. One of the side quests that you can complete allows players to hunt down a vampire desguised as a traveling pilgrim. This guide is here to help players complete the Hide and Seek Quest in Skyrim. Talk to Gunmar who is usually hanging around the forge or smelter and he will give you the quest.

Hide and Seek Quest Guide

“Gunmar hs sent me to Rorikstead. I am to find and kill the vampire masquerading as a Traveling Polgrim. i am to do so discreetly as the law is unaware of the threat and will assume I have murdered a citizen.”

  • Discreetly kill Traveling Pilgrim

The quest is in Rorikstead so head outside the Fort, open up the map and get yourself there quickly by fast traveling. For me the Traveling Pilgrim was in the Inn but he also could be roaming around the town. If you have a high persuasion or intimidation level you can possibly just lead the Traveling Pilgrim away from the town/Inn.

However if those levels are too low it is not that hard to take care of him in the inn.The vampire/pilgrim will rotate his chair position in the inn after you talk to him. There are also two guards that are rotating position to try to foil your murder attempts. For me it was easy enough to kill him while couched behind a couple of people. If you don’t want to take that risk you can be patient and get a clear shot. After a couple of rotations he will sit in a chair inside one of the inn rooms. Take him out quickly with a stealth kill and you will have completed the killing of the Traveling Pilgrim.

Return back to Gunmar and he will give you more vampire killing quests! Enjoy the Iron war axe of shocks in Skyrim!

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim How to Upgrade Crossbows Sat, 30 Jun 2012 09:03:15 +0000 After returning to Dawnguard and talking to Serana there will be a couple of side quests that you can complete. One of the side quests that you can complete allows players to upgrade crossbows in Skyrim. This guide is here to help players upgrade crossbows and act as a Ancient Technology Quest Guide at the same time.

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The Crossbow is a new addition to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game that you can obtain through the Dawnguard DLC. The new crossbow fires bolts instead of arrows and can launch off a powerful bolt quicker than a regular bow. The plain Jane version of the crossbow is not very powerful especially if you have upgraded a regular bow to legendary. However if you can get the upgraded crossbow, and upgrade that to legendary, you will have a weapon that ignores half of armor and can devastate even the strongest of Master Vampires.

After returning to Dawnguard and talking to Serana there will be a couple of side quests that you can complete. One of the side quests that you can complete allows players to upgrade crossbows in Skyrim. This guide is here to help players upgrade crossbows and act as a Ancient Technology Quest Guide at the same time.

Ancient Technology Quest Guide

“Sarine Jurard has sent me to retrieve the Enhanced Crossbow Schematic from Embershard. She will be able to use it to master new technology to provide to the Dawnguard members.”

  • Retrieve the Enhanced Crossbow Schematic from Embershard

The schematics for the upgraded crossbow is located in the Embershard Mine. For me the closest warp point was The Guardian Stones. Fast travel there and head East. The mine is a small insert in the wall of a big hill. There was one lonely bandit outside waiting for me. Kill the bandit and head into what looks like a spider infested mine.

Walk down the right side of the mine when you first get in because there is a trap that will release rocks on the left. Continue down the shaft and it will open up into a room. Directly to your right a couple of bandits that will be chatting about how it’s hard to get into the mine. I guess the bandit was right to question the security. Take them out and move straight across the catwalk. You can pick up a couple things off their dead body but most of it is trash so we might as well get going.

You will come to a fork in the mine. To the right there is a little note about the mines not being stable. To the left is the path to continue the quest. After going left there will be a room and a lever to lower a bridge from the first room where you encountered two guards. Two more guards will walk across the bridge and talk about how they thought the bridge is not supposed to be lowered. Take out the two guards and cross the bridge.

In the next room you will see a treasure chest that is marked with a quest marker through a hole in the wall. Rounding the corner there will be a bandit guard waiting outside the door. Take out the guard and loot his pockets to pick up the key for the room. Unlock the door, grab the schematics and then you will have a choice. You can just leave the cave, but why waste all the good bandits in here?

I decided to move forward into the next room. There is three bandits hanging around in different areas of this waterfall ridden room. There is also a treasure chest as you are leaving. You can either jump down or go inside the room on the West part of the catwalk overlooking the waterfall. Pick up some goodies and you can leave Embershard Mine.

Leaving that room will take you back into Skyrim. From here you can fast travel back to Fort Dawnguard to return back to Sarine Jurard. She will look at the schematic and will tell you that she can improve the crossbows. You can either buy one from here, or head over to the forge and make one for yourself.

Happy crossbow vampire hunting!

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Werewolf Perk Tree Guide Thu, 28 Jun 2012 10:36:57 +0000 The Dawnguard expansion is not all about Vampires or sucking blood. If you have stayed a Werewolf through skyrim you will be able to see a brand new perk tree for werewolves. There are some very nice upgrades for the nocturnal canine diseased players and this post is all about the new perks available in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Dawnguard DLC.

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The Dawnguard expansion is not all about Vampires or sucking blood. If you have stayed a Werewolf through skyrim you will be able to see a brand new perk tree for werewolves. There are some very nice upgrades for the nocturnal canine diseased players and this post is all about the new perks available in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Dawnguard DLC.

New Werewolf Perk Tree


The new werewolf perk tree in Skyrim has 8 new perks and some of them are multiple tiered that can be increased with more perk points. The new perks available are:

  • Bestial Strength – Do 25% more damage as a Werewolf. Can be upgraded a total of 4 times.
  • Totem of Ice Brothers – Werewolf Totem of BrotherHood howl now calls Ice Wolves.
  • Totem of the Moon – Werewolf Totem of Brotherhood howl now calls Werewolves.
  • Totem of Terror – Howl of Terror affects even higher level creatures
  • Totem of the Predator – Werewolf Totem of the Hunt howl has extended range and shows whether targets are or are not in combat.
  • Animal Vigor – 100 in bonus to health and stamina while in beast form.
  • Gorging – Feeding heals twice as much health.
  • Savage Feeding – Able to feed off most dead creatures. Feeding off creatures instead of people only provides half the extended time.

Does the perk tree interest you guys? Or would you rather become a Vampire Lord? Hit us up in the comments and let us know!

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Prophet Quest Guide Thu, 28 Jun 2012 06:58:04 +0000 The new Vampire Lord is a tantalizing offer that the new DLC of Skyrim called Dawnguard Offers. However if you want to stick to your werewolf form, or just don't want to become a Vampire. this guide will help you on your journeys. If you choose to fight the vampires of Skyrim use this guide that goes through the Prophet quest line.

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The new Vampire Lord is a tantalizing offer that the new DLC of Skyrim called Dawnguard Offers. However if you want to stick to your werewolf form, or just don’t want to become a Vampire. this guide will help you on your journeys. If you choose to fight the vampires of Skyrim use this guide that goes through the Prophet quest line.

Prophet Quest Guide

After Refusing the Vampire Lord he will banish you outside the castle. There will be a boat in front of you that will take you to Icewater Jetty. Hit the boat and you will be returned back to the main land of Skyrim. From here you can fast travel back to Fort Dawnguard. For me I had to zoom the map all the way out and I could barely see the point but you should be able to catch the corner of the waypoint to fast travel.

Make your way back up towards the castle. Get a weapon ready because as you get closer to the castle you will be greeted by a Master Vampire and a Vampire Mistwalker. Isran and a couple of others will help you in the battle but it is best to be prepared. Dispose of these two enemies and Isran will tell you his troubles. After the conversation he will give you the next two parts of the quest. Start forming a small squad of strong allies to deal with the vampires of Serana’s Family.

Getting the Band Back Together

“I’ve told Isran what I learned at the vampire castle. Isran has asked me to find Sorine jurard and Gunmar, and bring them to him.”

  • Recruit Sorine Jurard
  • Recruit Gunmar
  • Help Gunmar Defeat the Bear

Recruit Sorine Jurard
If you have the fast travel point for Karthwasten that is a good place to start. Unfortunately for me, and for the guide I will be starting at Haafingar Stormcloak Camp. Either way fast travel to the closest point that you can to the quest marker on the map and start hoofin’ it. After I got to Dragon Bridge it was a pretty rocky slope but easy enough to navigate through, especially on a horse.

You will meet Sorine Jurard in a nice spot by two waterfalls. She will talk about how her and Isran had a falling out. After convincing her there is a problem with vampires she needs one Dwarven Gyro before she leaves. You can find these at any of the dwarven mines. Heck you might just have one on you from your travels or find one in a shop that you have sold to in the past. I was able to persuade her to forget that nonsense and to move on and the fort. I have a feeling it doesn’t take much to persuade her because I did not have a very strong speech level. After you persuade her, or bring her a Dwarven Gyro, she says she will meet you at Fort Dawnguard. That’s one down and Gunmar to go.

Recruit Gunmar Guide
Skyrim_Dawnguard_Screenshots_13389551029228-300x168Gunmar is just outside the Broken Limb Camp. The quest mentioned he might be roaming around to tame other beasts so he may be in a different location for different players. I tried reloading and checking different characters, but this should be the right location. Check out the world map and locate the quest marker. Fast travel to the closest location to be on your way.

I found Gunmar crouched behind a rock. He talks about his suspicion in Isran. He will join you, but first you have to go into the cave right next to where he is located called Cronvangr Cave. A bear has been killing people and it is Gunmar’s duty to make sure that no more die.

The cave opens up into a Spider’s Den. They are pretty weak but there is three spiders. Take them out one by one and Gunmar will help. You can search the bodies to get some Frostbite Venom for potions.

Continue down to a corridor that is filled with spider webs. There will be two Frostbite Spiders as you exit the hallway and a bridge that you can walk across. Look down from this point and you will see a bunch of Frostbite Spiders crawling around. If you have a strong bow this part is very easy to stay hidden and kill them all off quickly. If not there are only like 5 or 6 of them so just be careful if your diving in head first. Continue down the walkway and there will be an opening with 2 torches. Before heading in jump into the water and there is a chest with some goodies in it below. Going through the doorway loads you into an area called Cronvangr Broodlair.

Move your way through the corridor, but be very careful. There is at least two spots that have Frostbite Spiders guarding the path. Moving forward, the bear that Gunmar is so fascinated with is in the middle of the room. Before you run into the middle of the room though there is a Giant Frostbite Spider hanging from the wall that wants to eat your face. Take them both out and talk to Gunmar. He will tell you to meet him at Fort Dawnguard.

“I’ve found the people Isran said we’d need to fight Harkon and his vampires. Now I should return to Isran and help him formulate a plan of attack.

  • Return to Isran

Now that you have taken care of the two people you need to recruit you can leave the cave and head back to Fort Dawnguard. Run up the now familiar path to get to the Fort’s Gates. When you walk in the door Isran will be all pissy about you if you were turned into a vampire before the Dawnguard DLC. This will give you a chance to get the quest to cure yourself of vampirism. For those of you who are already not a vampire just skip ahead of the Rising at Dawn Mission Guide. If you do need to cure vampirism you can check out our guide on the Rising at Dawn Side Quest.

The Big Surprise

“When i returned to Fort Dawnguard, Isran told me that he needed to speak to me, and he asked me to follow him.”

  • Follow Isran

If you’re returning after curing vampirism or if you were not a vampire before this is the start of the new quest for both. Isran sounds all intimidating and tells you that he needs you to speak to a vampire that showed up looking for you. Head up the staircase to start the follow sequence. He will lead you to Serana, the vampire you saved in the past.

“When I returned to Fort Dawnguard, I was surprised to learn that Serana had come to the base searching for me. She claimed to have something urgent she needed to tell me.”

  • Speak to Serana
  • Speak to Isran

Serana will tell you about herself and the Elder Scroll she was buried with. Her father became more evil after learning of a prophecy about vampires being able to control the sun. Serana was sealed away with the scroll because she was trying to stop her father from controlling the sun.

After speaking with Serana you will be asked to speak to Isran. He will let Serana stay but only as an asset to the Dawnguard. Serana then suggests that you find someone to read the Elder Scroll she brought with her. Get some more information from her and then head out on the next part of the quest.

Finding a Moth Priest

“Serana told me that her father was trying to gain power over the sun by fulfilling a prophecy found in the Elder Scrolls. Only a Moth Priest can read an Elder Scroll, so we’ve set out to find one.”

  • (Optional) Visit the College of Winterhold to ask about the Moth Priest
  • (Optional) Ask innkeepers in cities about the Moth Priest
  • (Optional) Ask carriage drivers about the Moth Priest
  • Locate a Moth Priest

College_of_winterhold_map-300x206Speak to Serana to add her as a follower. There is also a side miscellaneous quest that are pretty easy to complete. Check out our Hide Seek Quest Guide and our Ancient Technology Quest guide if you would like to look at that quest more. You can, if you would like to, skip the optional parts of the quest and head for the Dragon Bridge. If you ask around the town and Dragon Bridge you can get information to move on. For me I kind of like doing the optional parts of quests so here is a little bit of info if you want to do the College of Winterhold option.

You can do any of the optional steps, but I just like the scenery there. Step outside Fort Dawnguard and head that way via fast travel. Head into the college and follow the marker to take you to Urag gra-Shub. He tells you to head to the Dragon Bridge. See, kind of useless, but again I love the scenery at the College of Winterhold. Plus it is a good place to pick up some more magic skills if you would like.

“Serana told me that her father was trying to gain power over the sun by fulfilling a prophecy found in the Elder scrolls. We’ve set out to find a moth Priest who can read Serana’s Elder Scroll, and the trail has led us to Dragon Bridge.

  • Ask people in Dragon Bridge if they saw the Moth Priest.

Dragon_Bridge_View-300x168Fast travel or head over to Dragon Bridge. Ask around town to the different villagers. The easiest way to get information is usually from a guard or soldier though. I ran over to an Imperial Soldier and he told me that he saw a Moth Priest head south across the bridge. Head south and cross the bridge.

“Serana and I are one step behind the Moth Priest. We journeyed to Dragon Bridge and learned that he had passed through the town heading south across the bridge.”

  • Search Along the road south of Dragon Bridge

Head south of Dragon Bridge crossing the bridge. After a couple 100 ft there will be a caravan tipped over. You will then be asked to search the scene of the crash. One of the dead bodies will be a vampire. Loot his body and you will find a note. Then a notice will pop up to, you guessed it, read the note. The note says that the vampires are holding the Moth Priest in a location to keep him safe. A vampire named Malkus wants to break his will to gain information from him.

Rescuing a Moth Priest

“Harkon’s vampire agents have captured the Moth Priest and taken him to a place called Forebears’ Holdout. I must rescue him before the vampires can break his will.”

  • Rescue the Moth Priest

Thankfully the vampire minions are pretty dumb. Forebears’ Holdout, the place they took the Moth Priest, is very close by and can be run to in literally 30 seconds. Who hijacks a person and then walks 30 seconds over to a hideout? Anyway, head over to the cave that is just west of the caravan and head inside.

Directly to the left as soon as you go down a moss covered hallway is two death hounds. Try to take them out quietly so they don’t wake up the Holdout. Cross the bridge that one of the death hounds was on and stick to the wall. This will take you to a opening in the small castle inside this holdout.

While inside you will see a huge fire. There are a couple of vampires in this area guarding the tower. One is on top of the tower and is an archer while another vampire is guarding the walkway forward. After defeating the two vampires you can head up the side stair walkway against the left wall. You can take the stairway across from the giant bonfire, but it leads to a more vulnerable place.

Once on top of the castle there will be three more vampires. One of them is Malkus the head vampire that is trying to break the Moth Priest. If you have a resist magicka potion or a resist shock it would be a good time to pop one. Malkus doesn’t have a whole lot of life but he can do quite a bit of damage if you are not careful.

Once you have taken care of the baddies the next objective is to bring down the barriers that are keeping the moth priest inside his magical cage. Malkus has an item on him called the Weystone Focus. Loot his body and pick up that item. Once you have the Weystone Focus you can head to the left or right to take the stairs up. There is a pedestal up there that needs the Weystone Focus to be dropped into it. Puting the Weystone Focus into the pedestal opens the magical barriers.

“Harkon’s agents captured the Moth Priest and enthralled him”

  • Defeat the enthralled Moth Priest

chrome-2012-07-01-04-49-02-26-300x168Once the barrier is down you would think that the fighting would be over. Think again! The moth priest then comes to attack you. Put him down and he will tell you to stop. Apparently his body was taken over by a vampire curse momentarily and he could not control his actions.

“Harkon’s agents captured the Moth Priest and enthralled him, but I was able to break their hold on his mind.”

  • Speak to the Moth Priest.

Walk on over to the Moth Priest and have a nice chat. You can learn all kinds of things about the Moth Priests, what they do and how they become blind from doing it. If you want to skip all that noise you can just move forward by asking him if he is alright. Then a dialog option will open up that asks for his help with the Elder Scroll. He will be overjoyed to help you and the Dawnguard. He says he will meet you at Fort Dawnguard soon. Leave Forebears’ Holdout so that you can fast travel.

Finishing Up

“I rescued the Moth Priest from his vampire captors and asked him to meet me at Fort Dawnguard. I must return to Isran and tell him of our success.

  • Report your success to Isran.

Fast travel back to Fort Dawnguard so that you can make your way to Isran. He will be waiting for you in the entry hall. Talk to him and he will tell you to go to the Moth Priest.

The moth priest will be right next to Isran. Talk to him and he will read off the Elder Scroll. The first bit of details is that the Moth Priest sees Auriel’s Bow, a powerful weapon. The prophecy then goes on to say “Among the nights children, a dread lord will rise. In an age of strife when dragons return to the realm of men, darkness will mingle with light and the night and the day will be as one.” After reading through the scroll the Moth Priest will tell you that he needs two more scrolls and some rest. This ends the Prophet quest and the Prophet Quest Guide.

Keep it hear on Gamers Heroes for more guides, news and reviews!

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]]> 4 Elder Scrolls V: How To Become a Vampire Lord Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:01:41 +0000 You can only become a Vampire Lord if you purchase Dawnguard which can be found currently exclusively on Xbox 360. The PS3 and PC version of Dawnguard DLC for Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim will be available very soon however in the next month or so. You can find the DLC on the Xbox 360 Dash Board

The post Elder Scrolls V: How To Become a Vampire Lord appeared first on GamersHeroes.


The newest DLC for has two different paths you can go down. One path is the vampire hunters of Dawnguard which grants you special Werewolf powers. The other route you can go is against the followers at Dawnguard by becoming a Vampire Lord. This Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Vampire Lord Guide will go over:

  • Becoming a Vampire Lord Guide
  • Vampire Lord Controls Guide
  • Vampire Lord Skill Tree Guide

Becoming a Vampire Lord Guide

You can only become a Vampire Lord if you purchase Dawnguard which can be found currently exclusively on Xbox 360. The PS3 and PC version of Dawnguard DLC for Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim will be available very soon however in the next month or so. You can find the DLC on the Xbox 360 Dash Board or on the Xbox Website.

Mission Dawnguard:
Moving on to the Vampire Lord guide, after you boot up Skyrim with the DLC somebody should mention Dawnguard in Passing. For me I loaded up the game in Winterhold and a gaurd immediately said something about the vampire battles going on in the East. He mentions that anyone who wants to join the fight should head to Riften and head south.

If you have traveled across Skyrim pretty heavily before heading to Dawnguard for the DLC then the fastest point to travel to is actually Stendarr’s Beacon. Head down the mountain and stick to the right side. The way point to enter into the new area of Skyrim will be just ahead. The waypoint will bring you to Dayspring Canyon and the beginning of your journey.

Moving forward in Dayspring Canyon . You will meet up with a nice guy named Agmaer. He is more then happy to chit-chat about how he wants to join Dawnguard to kill some Vampires. He will lead you you to Fort Dawnguard where you can speak with the leader of Dawnguard. While following Agmaer you will see a character named Durak. Durak is shooting a crossbow which is the first time possibly that a player could see one. Don’t worry you may or may not be getting a crossbow very soon! Continue along the path until you get to Fort Dawnguard doors.

As soon as you walk through the door you will see the leader of Dawnguard, Isran, talking to a member of the Vigilants. Apparently back in the day the Vigilants were battling the Vampires but are being overrun by the strength of an old established family of the undead. After their heated discussion Isran will turn to you and ask if you want to join Dawnguard. Isran tells you to head out and kill some Vampires for him while he builds up the fort. The mission ends and turns you loose to Dimhollow Crypt.

Awakening Mission Guide:

“I’ve met Isran, the leader of a group of vampire hunters known as the Dawnguard. The Vampires that attacked the Hall of the Vigilants may have been after something in a place called Dimhollow Crypt. Isran has asked me to find out what the vampires are looking for.”

  • Find out what the vampires are seeking

This is where the mission actually opens up and gives you a chance to flex your mustles. Isran will give you a crossbow (see told you, you would get one) and offer you the services of Fort Dawnguard. There are a couple of chests around with some bonus gold and gems. If your hurting for cash you can always go rummaging, but none of the stuff is really that great. Head back outside the front and start your Journey to Dimhollow Crypts.

The easiest place to fast travel to for me was The lord Stone. A couple of bandits where there, but the trip to Dimhollow Crypts was pretty short. When you load into the map head South down the walkway. If you hug the mountain on the right after heading south you should be golden for Dimhollow Crypts. Enter the Crypts and let the Vampire hunting begin!

In the the room directly ahead of you after loading into the Crypt there will be at least 2 Vampires and one Death Hound. On the Southeast portion of the room there is a small tower with a chain that you need to pull on to move into the next room. Take out the enemies how have you and head to that mini tower. The chain is on the north facing wall on the top floor. There also is a couple of chests and goodies to be taken inside the tower so make sure to take a look around. When I got to the room Vigilant Tolan, that was talking to Isran at Fort Dawnguard was dead on the ground. I don’t know if you can save him. I think he is just dead on the ground as a horrid omid.

Heading through the once barred off door that you opened will lead down a couple of corridors. The corridors will lead into a waterfall like area that pushes you towards some stairs. A couple of skeletons will rise from the water so be careful if you want to be stealthy. There also is a Vampire in this room that will be alerted if you break stealth on the skeletons. If you head up the stairs and go to the right You can pick up a potion and some gold inside a chest. Heading back to the stairs and heading west will get you heading into the next room. The switch for the door is on the right side of the door.

The room will open with a arcane table and a couple of goodies. head to the north side of the room to go down a corridor and move forward in the cave. The next room will have a Vampire Mistwalker as well as Draugr and Death Hound. If you want to wait the three will battle it out a little bit. Be careful of the Mistwalker. She can be a tricky Vampire. The mistwalker can turn semi-invisible for a little bit of time. There are three doors in this room. The south East wall door opens to a Master Locked case with some goodies. The East wall has a Draugr Scourge and thats about it. The door located perfectly North has a couple of potions that can be picked up pretty quick. The North West wall is the door to move on to the next section.

After falling the cave hallway a room will open up with a big waterfall and a Vampire Mistwalker overlooking the scenery. Three skeletons will pop out of the water if you move even the littlest bit into the open room. Try to pick them off quickly before you are surrounded by three skeletons and an angry invisible Vampire. Walk through the room and head through the corridor to move on to the next area.

Moving forward puts you into a more spidery area. Check around the corners while you move through this area because Vampires and Death Hounds are all around. After the spidery hallways the room will open up with a locked door and a boss battle.

The Vampire master that you see in the next room will be fighting a giant spider. When he kills the spider he will raise it from the dead. Try to get as much damage done to the Master Vampire before he raises the spider. Focus attacks on him, because once he is dead the spider is no longer risen. I used a bow and sneak attacked to put him down before he even reached me. After killing the Master Vampire the door will take you to Dimhollow Cavern.

The pedestal ahead of you has a powerful scroll of fire that will be useful very soon. Moving out of the room you start in you see a small coliseum looking area. There are three or Vampires in this large room so keep an eye out. Moving into the coliseum looking part of the room there will be a button in the middle. Pushing it causes a spike to come through and stab your hand. The pedestals all around the middle of the room will glow. Push the pedestals around until the glow turns into flames from the pedestals. After all the pedestals are placed correctly the floor will drop down a little bit revealing a Stone Monolith. Activate the Stone Monolith and meet the first Vampire that doesn’t want to take your head off.

A Mysterious Woman pops out of the Monolith. She was expecting a Vampire to wake her up but is not hostile towards you. After completing the conversation you will complete the Awakening quest and be in an interesting predicament. Kill the Vampire named Serana or take her to her family home.

Debating-Skyrim-Dawnguard-faction-choice-300x165Mission Bloodline:

“While exploring Dimhollow crypt, I freed a young woman from an ancient sarcophagus. She asked me to guide her home, to a castle off the northern coast of Skyrim.”

  • Lead Serana to her home
  • Speak to Harkon

Getting out of the cave is not a far walk but is being guarded. The two big gargoyles will come to life and come after you as you head north towards the exit. If you are having trouble with the gargoyles you can back up and let Serana at them. She will raise skeletons that are around to fight for you as well as be the first follower that actually does some major damage.

After moving forward from the gargoyles there will be a room with a giant lever at the top of the stairs. You have to pull the lever to open the door to the next room. Once you pull the lever some Draugers will pop out and cause some trouble. Take them out quickly as they are emerging from their tombs and you won’t even have to break a sweat. Plus after you take one or two Draugers out Serana will raise one to fight for you. After the battle leave the room into another Boss room.

The boss is really easier from a distance. He will summon more skeletons to come after you but they focus on Serana a lot of the time and you can stand back and shoot some arrows. Before moving on to the exit make sure to check around the room. There is a chest with some awesome items behind the chair the boss came from. Also in the back right corner of the room there is a dragon shout called Drain Vitality. The shout Drain Vitality’s description: “coax both magical and mortal energies from your hapless opponent”.

The exit of the boss room will get you out into Skyrim. From here you can fast travel to Northwatch Keep in the North West corner of the map. From there it is just a hop, skip and a jump away from the travel point that is a boat on the North coast of the travel point taking you to Serana’s family castle.

After traveling on the boat this is a GREAT time to save. You will have to make a big choice very soon and it might be helpful to go back and play over the two different choices just after this section.

Moving up to the castle Serana will stop you and talk to you about following her lead. Welcome to Volkihar Keep and a den of a ton of Vampires. All of the Vampires in the den are shocked in Serana’s return. Her and her father talk quite a bit about the Elder Scroll she carries on her back. Lord Harkon will then turn his attention on you. For saving Serana he gives you a choice. He says the only way he can repay you is by making you a Vampire Lord. If you refuse the gift you will not get the chance again to be a Vampire Lord, but you will get a chance to be a super powerful Werewolf. If you choose the gift, Lord Harkon will bite you, and you will become a super strong Vampire Lord. Happy hunting! Remember that as a Vampire lord your skin hates the sun. Although as a Vampire Lord, while you get weaker from the sun, your actual skills, magic and powers get more powerful. Also if you feed on people as they sleep, or on the Vampire Cattle in Volkihar Keep your powers will weaken and your skin will feel less hurt by the sun.

Vampire Lord Controls Guide

After being turned into a Vampire Lord there is a small tutorial on how to control the vampire lord. If you go into the menu, click magic, and go into powers. Hit the right trigger to make the Vampier Lord power active. To turn into the Vampire Lord hold the LB button down for a second and you will see your character start to transform.

The character has two different styles of moving. The normal mode hovers slightly above the ground. If you click in the left stick (the “sneak” stick) then you will land on the ground. Both of the movement styles have their ups and downs. While floating you can use magic. The magic you start with includes a soul sucking fireball that deals a heck of a lot of damage while sucking life force. The default left trigger magic raises the dead to fight for you. The more you play as a Vampire lord the more you will unlock and be able to equip.

There is also special Vampire skills that can be activated. The first skill you start with is called Bat Skill. By pressing the RB button (“shout” button) you can transform into bats, moving quickly and even traveling over gaps. This form can be very handy for closing gaps between you and your enemies. More powers can be unlocked through the skill tree that can be found in the last section of this guide.

Deactivating the power is kind of a pain in the butt. In general the animations between shifting forms from your natural form to your Vampire Lord form is not very good. To turn back into the normal version of yourself hit up on the Dpad (shortcut list for other platforms). In the list will be an option called “Revert From”. Activate that skill and in gameplay if you hold RB (or “Shout” button) for a second you will pop out of Vampire Lord mode.

Vampire Lord Tree Guide

While in Vampire mode the B button (or menu button) will give you a look at the Vampire Skill Tree. This Vampire Skill Tree guide goes over all the different options in the tree. I will split these tree into three sections. The Left “Night Power” path, center “Passive Skills” path and right “Blood Magic” path. Before you can dump any points into any of these side trees you first have to put a point into “Power of the Grave”. This node of the Vampire Skill Tree will give you a 50 point bonus to health, magicka and stamina as Vampire Lord.


Night Power Left Path:

  • Detect All Creatures – Night Power: Detect all creatures, even dwarven automatons
  • Mist Form – Night Power: Transform into an invulnerable mist, while health, magicka and stamina regenerate.
  • Supernatural Reflexs – Night Power: Everything slows down while you move faster.

Passive Skills Center Path:

  • Blood Healing – Killing a person with a power attack bite restores all your health
  • Unearthly Will – Night Powers and Blood Magic cost 33% less.
  • Poison Talons – Melee attacks do 20 points of poison damage.
  • Night Cloak – In Combat you are surrounded by a cloud of bats that feed on enemies with melee range.

Blood Magic Right Path:

  • Vampiric Grip – Blood Magic: Can pull a creature to you from a distance, and do choking damage once it’s close.
  • Summon Gargoyle – Blood Magic: Can conjure a gargoyle to fight for you.
  • Corpse Curse – Blood Magic: Target is paralyzed.

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Elder Scrolls V: Skryim How To Level Sneak Fast Mon, 05 Dec 2011 09:34:48 +0000 Sneaking is one of the most important skills in all the Elder Scrolls game and even more so in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This Elder Scrolls V: Skryim How To Level Sneak Fast guide will tell you how to maximize your sneak before even leaving the introduction at the start of the game. For those …

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Elder Scrolls V: Skryim How To Level Sneak Fast
Sneaking is one of the most important skills in all the Elder Scrolls game and even more so in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This Elder Scrolls V: Skryim How To Level Sneak Fast guide will tell you how to maximize your sneak before even leaving the introduction at the start of the game.

For those of you who are familiar with the Sneak Exploit on Oblivion, this is pretty much the same thing.

For those who don’t, at the beginning of Oblivion before you leave the prison cell, you walk to the cell door, facing the cell door you then turn to the right, sneak, and walk at the wall.

Due to the fact the games mechanics register the NPCs as within a one to two room distance it will allow your Sneak Skill to obtain experience.

Now, to the more up to date version.

On Skyrim when the Dragon first appears at the very beginning of the game merely run up the stairs and wait for the Dragon to break through the wall, after the Dragon breaks the wall and your Runaway Comrade tells you to jump, make the jump and walk and go down through the holes in the flooring. Take a moment to look around the room. You should see an open door where a man with a white pointer over his head is waiting, do not go through this door. If you walk within few steps of the door and look to the right you’ll see a fire. Walk towards it slightly, don’t get too close. Now, turn back to the door and walk towards a small corner between the wall and the door frame.

This spot is perfect due to the fact the dragon will shoot fire down on you if you linger behind, however if you’re inside this building you can merely walk at this small corner in sneak attaining as many levels as you please before moving on to the next part of the Tutorial.

See that? You could maximize your sneak skill before even passing through the Tutorial!

Written by Guest Hero EddieTheOdd

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Where Is The Quil Of Germination Fri, 25 Nov 2011 00:22:49 +0000 The Quil Of Germination is a quest object that is an optional objective in the Thieves Guild Quest Line. This Where Is The Quil Of Germination guide will give you a simple map reference picture to find the Quil. I’ll avoid any spoilers about the quest where possible. This quest offers 2 distinct courses of …

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Where Is The Quil Of Germination
The Quil Of Germination is a quest object that is an optional objective in the Thieves Guild Quest Line. This Where Is The Quil Of Germination guide will give you a simple map reference picture to find the Quil.

I’ll avoid any spoilers about the quest where possible. This quest offers 2 distinct courses of action, you can simply go and kill the guy guarding the house, or you can go the long-winded more Thief like approach. If you want to go for the stealth style, you’ll need to find the Quil. It’s in a box at the bottom of the lake, the below picture shows the exact location. The box is locked with Expert rating security. Note: The Quill is underwater where the character is standing, not the map marker. It’s East of the Beehives

Quil Of Germination Location

When you attempt to tell the guard at the house that you have cleared his debt, there’s a good chance he will still be hostile. Use a calming spell, will give you enough time to talk to him without having to kill him.

Check out our Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Walkthrough Guidefor all our guides, including Housing, Trainers, Horses, and Treasure Maps.

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